"The Sound of Music" is the title song from the 1959 musical #ofTheSameName. It was composed by #RichardRodgers with lyrics written by #OscarHammersteinII. The song introduces the character of #Maria, a young novice in an Austrian abbey.
#ofthesamename #richardrodgers #oscarhammersteinii #maria
"I Won't Dance" is a song with music by #JeromeKern that has become a #jazzStandard. The song has two different sets of lyrics: the first written by #OscarHammersteinII and #OttoHarbach in 1934, and second written by #DorothyFields (though #JimmyMcHugh was also credited) in 1935. Kern, Hammerstein and Harbach originally wrote "I Won't Dance" for the 1934 London musical #ThreeSisters. However, Three Sisters flopped and was quickly forgotten.
#jeromekern #jazzstandard #oscarhammersteinii #ottoharbach #dorothyfields #jimmymchugh #threesisters