Attention Netflix subscribers who like great movies: If you have never watched Arrival, it apparently comes to Netflix this Friday. I consider it to be the best movie so far of this millennium. It makes you think *and* feel. I've watched it several times, and read the story it was based on, and it absolutely holds up.
See or
#Arrival #movies #greatmovies #SciFi #sciencefiction #Netflix #amyadams #DenisVillaneuve #oscarnominated
#arrival #movies #greatmovies #SciFi #sciencefiction #Netflix #amyadams #denisvillaneuve #oscarnominated
#Movies #KirkDouglas #EleanorParker #HardBoiled #OscarNominated
They don't come more hardboiled than this 1951 gem. Hadn't seen in in decades, it's still top notch, if a little over the top with 1940's police talk and rough treatment of everyone.
Recommended if only to get a feel for what would come later--the blueprint, so to speak for tons of police dramas.
#movies #kirkdouglas #eleanorparker #hardboiled #oscarnominated
German critics pan #OscarNominated #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront - [Didn't this happen to The Train in Love & Anarchy? #LifeFollowsArt]
#lifefollowsart #allquietonthewesternfront #oscarnominated
Fajny film dzisiaj widziałem. Wiem, że rosyjskie kino to nie jest dobry temat w obecnym czasie, ale bardzo warto. Tym bardziej, że znalazł się na liście nominowanych do tegorocznych Oscarów w kategorii najlepszego dokumentalnego filmu krótkometrażowego.
Dostępny na YT lub na stronie New Yorkera.
#oscar #oscarnominated #docshort #polecankifilmowe
@statesdj @bicmay Introduced to #MichelleYeoh in America through Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2001), which is an all-time favorite. Later watched some of her earlier works like Wing Chun (1994), loved Reign of Assassins (2010), and the more recent Crazy Rich Asians (2018). She's an icon, a legend, so talented, and one of the best stunt actors in the industry anywhere. #Oscars #OscarNominated #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #AsianActors
#asianactors #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #oscarnominated #oscars #MichelleYeoh
#Journal, Day 1051
Friday, 03 February 2023
#journal #ripmelindadillon #achristmasstory #oscarnominated #memorial
Ojejciu jejciu, jakie to jest dobre ❤ Tegoroczna nominacja do Oscarów za najlepszy animowany film krótkometrażowy 😊🙃
#Oscars #oscarnominated #bestshortanimatedmovie
House made of splinters #oscarnominated A really moving description of the children in a Ukrainian orphanage, everything fits together so well, the children's stories, the calm pictures with a soundtrack that supported it all. It goes straight in ♥️
Here's another #ShortFilm for you:
Written and directed by Doug Roland
#FilmCommunity #FilmMastodon #ShortFilms #Filmmaking #OscarNominated
#oscarnominated #filmmaking #Shortfilms #FilmMastodon #filmcommunity #shortfilm
This is just beautiful.
Oscar Nominated Short film. 12m
Love At First Sight
John Hurt & Phyllida Law
#ShortFilm #JohnHurt #PhylldiaLaw #LoveAtFirstSight #OscarNominated
#oscarnominated #LoveAtFirstSight #phylldialaw #JohnHurt #shortfilm