Getting back into the swing of things on Back to School day myself. For all the challenges, not feeling too bad at all. Details to follow. In the meantime, speaking of the swing of things ...
#oscarpeterson #soundtrack2023
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
Jazz Winners 1960 - JATP European tour: Miles Davis Quintet + Stan Getz Quartet + Oscar Peterson Trio - Sportpalast in Berlin.
#MilesDavis (tp), #JohnColtrane (ts), #WyntonKelly (p), #PaulChambers (b), #JimmyCobb (dr), #OscarPeterson (p), #StanGetz (ts), Jan Johanson (p), #RayBrown (b), #EdThigpen (dr)
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #milesdavis #johncoltrane #wyntonkelly #paulchambers #jimmycobb #oscarpeterson #stangetz #raybrown #edthigpen
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
1988 - Oscar Peterson - Philharmonie - Cologne
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #oscarpeterson
#GreatAlbums1950s #LesterYoung - Lester Young with the #OscarPeterson Trio (1952/54). Released in 2 volumes and later under other titles, these sessions from late '52 followed Pres's most renowned period of the 40s -- his tenor sax soloing diminished by alcoholism but still vibrant. Peterson, earlier in his career, almost upstages Young with dazzling piano chops on "Tea for Two," "Stardust" et Al. Young's vocal ad lib at the end is a raw treat from the man who coined "cool."
#greatjazzalbums #oscarpeterson #lesteryoung #greatalbums1950s
So let's see if we can hear Oscar Peterson humming along as he plays!
Oscar Peterson Trio, "Chicago" (1961)
Another live recording, but of much better quality than the historic Minton Playhouse performance that featured Charlie Christian.
#genreoftheweek #bebop #oscarpeterson #oscarpetersontrio
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz
1956 - JATP - FestHalle in Planten und Blomen - Hamburg / Hambourg
#EllaFitzgerald, #OscarPeterson, #DizzyGillespie, #RoyEldridge, #FlipPhillips, #IllinoisJacquet, #GeneKrupa, #RayBrown, Herb Ellis, Don Abney
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #ellafitzgerald #oscarpeterson #dizzygillespie #royeldridge #flipphillips #illinoisjacquet #genekrupa #raybrown
my #lastFM top-listened-to artists over the past 15 years...
#lastfm #gratefuldead #phish #frankzappa #JoeRussosAlmostDead #medeskimartinandwood #KingGizzardandtheLizardWizard #oscarpeterson #nightmaresonwax #bonobo #talkingheads #ween #GrantGreen #khruangbin #aphextwin #ahmadjamal #brianeno #karlhector #nujabes #thegladiators #steelpulse
Wunderschönes Beispiel, was ich an #OscarPeterson so doll finde. Seine Version von Ira und George Gershwin. Kenne wenig Musik, die so extrem zwischen lieb und zugänglich und komplett durchgeknallt und launisch oszilliert. #Musik #Jazz
Schnäppchen fürn Zehner bei Antiqua-Kumpel. Die legendären Schwarzwaldsessions meines persönlichen Jazz-Gottes #OscarPeterson. Sehr geil der kenntnisreiche Beihefttext Baldur Brockhoffs zur Arroganz und Ignoranz von Jazz-Edge-Lords (Zitat: Fortschriftsapostel und Berufsavantgardisten) die Petersons Musik als altbacken, mainstreamig und alten Hut abtun. Für mich versinnbildlicht Oscar ein Ideal des Ausgleichs: »Be crazy experimental if you like, but still make it swing«.
“It doesn’t compare to the #OscarPeterson version!”
Yeah, well actually. God bless. 🙏
#oscarpeterson #rickieleejones #datdere
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JazzRecordRequests
Oscar Peterson:
🎵 You Look Good to Me
#nowplaying #JazzRecordRequests #oscarpeterson #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JazzRecordRequests
Ben Webster & Oscar Peterson:
🎵 Danny Boy
#nowplaying #JazzRecordRequests #BenWebster #oscarpeterson
Ben Webster meets Oscar Peterson (Hannover) (1972) via @YouTube
1973 - Newport Jazz Festival - Belgrade : #OscarPeterson Trio, #SarahVaughan, B.B. King, Young Giants of Jazz (Jimmy Owens, #JoeHenderson, #GaryBurton, #CedarWalton, Larry Ridley, #RoyHaynes), #MilesDavis, #RolandKirk, #ArtFarmer & #KennyDrew Quartet
#oscarpeterson #sarahvaughan #joehenderson #garyburton #cedarwalton #royhaynes #milesdavis #rolandkirk #artfarmer #kennydrew #jazz
Daily #SteveKimock. A beautiful rendition of #OscarPeterson’s #HymnToFreedom from that great Sweetwater run on 2019.
#stevekimock #oscarpeterson #hymntofreedom #mastomusic #blues #guitar