Watched Chris Rock’s “Selective Outrage” last night.
Not going to lie, it starts off pretty weak.
The middle is where it starts to pick up. Some good targets here and there.
The end is where he goes into Will & Jade, and is worth seeing…
#chrisrock #chrisrocklive #willsmith #WillSmithAssault #willsmithchrisrock #oscars #oscarsslap #selectiveoutrage
#chrisrock #chrisrocklive #willsmith #willsmithassault #willsmithchrisrock #oscars #oscarsslap #selectiveoutrage
Watched Marlon Wayan's "God Loves Me" comedy special - it's a full hour about the whole Chris Rock/Will Smith slap event, but it's incredibly earnest and comes from a deep place.
But most importantly, it's funny AF.
#MarlonWayans #HBO #ChrisRock #WillSmith #JadaPinkettSmith #oscars #oscarsslap
#MarlonWayans #hbo #chrisrock #willsmith #jadapinkettsmith #oscars #oscarsslap