If you love #electronics and circuits in particular, you inevitably love #oscilloscopes. If you recall the era before cheap digital oscilloscopes, you remember that #Tektronix 7000 scopes were just 😍😍😍. Have a look to this incredible book about them, DEFINITELY a gem, by Gianni Becattini: http://www.k100.biz/zParade/Tekscopes%20lores.pdf
#electronics #oscilloscopes #tektronix
I got these two #oscilloscopes for my #birthday this weekend. They are old, but just as useful as ever.
I haven't connected them up yet, but I am very excited about the projects I will be able to do mow at home.
I have a digital one that connects to my laptop, but this just hits differently!
#oscilloscopes #birthday #electronics #tech #Technology #DIY #arduino
The #Tektronix 7000-series #oscilloscopes were highly versatile because of the many different vertical and horizontal plug-ins available. Some offered features that are hard to reproduce with any modern scope. The 7A22 was a high-gain (up to 10 μ/div) 1 MHz differential amplifier with adjustable high and low-pass filters. The 7A13 was a 100 MHz differential amplifier with an adjustable dc source that could be applied to either input. Both were introduce in 1969.
The #Tektronix 7000-series #oscilloscopes were highly versatile because of the many different vertical and horizontal plug-ins available. Some offered features that are hard to reproduce with any modern scope. The 7A22 was a high-gain (up to 10 μV/div) 1 MHz differential amplifier with adjustable high and low-pass filters. The 7A13 was a 100 MHz differential amplifier with an adjustable dc source that could be applied to either input. Both were introduce in 1969. #electronics
#electronics #oscilloscopes #tektronix
i got one of those cheap little pocket #oscilloscopes off of aliexpress back in late october and it finally showed up a few days ago and damned if the thing doesn’t actually work
the control interface is random madness but honestly i’m kind of loving it particularly for $60 i mean wow