Prisma System · @prismasystem
35 followers · 319 posts · Server

Interessantes Gespräch, heute im Deutschlandfunk Kultur in der Sendereihe 'Im Gespräch' ausgestrahlt,
mit dem Psychoanalytiker Peter Schneider.
Ab 26:00 Minuten über DIS und Verschwörungstheorien (evtl interessant für @Hoaxmaster, @Hoaxmistress, @TommyKrappweis, @SophiaKrappweis,
ab 28:40 Minuten über Autismus (evtl interessant für @Fuchskind, @Wochenendrebellen).

#verschworungsmythen #satanicpanic #dis #osdd #autismus #actuallyautistic #Asperger #Autist

Last updated 1 year ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
34 followers · 316 posts · Server

Tjo, Zeit, schlafen zu gehen :D.
Ich wunder mich gerade, wer in unserer Zeitleiste auftaucht, und erinner mich dann, dass ein anderer Anteil vor kurzem einige neue Mastodon-Nutzer hinzugefügt hat.

#pluralgang #osdd #multi

Last updated 1 year ago

Superfreq · @Superfreq
168 followers · 525 posts · Server

I'm confused. As someone who has 2 close family members with previously called Where did all of these people with in their bios come from recently? Is this a common perception of other too? Is it a lifestyle thing? Are people just more comfortable to be seen now?

#dissociativeidentitydisorder #multiplepersonalitydisorder #plural #mentalillness #osdd #did #plurality #pluraltalk #pluralgang #psychology #psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #therapy #neurodivergent #neurodiversity

Last updated 1 year ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
34 followers · 295 posts · Server

Hey you all,
we hope that all Multis will have a great weekend.


#plural #multi #pluralgang #dis #osdd

Last updated 1 year ago

Hare is Tired 😓 #LongCovid · @Hare
209 followers · 2568 posts · Server

As mentioned above and on all my socials, I'm part of a very large DID collective, meaning that there are several different systems all in this same body that we have to share.

Our body age differs from individual headmate's ages, which for us ranges from infant to ageless.

Bodily we are early 30's, I (Hare) am 19 and have been for 2 years now, and most of us are younger than our body age. ✨

#did #osdd #plurality #pluralgang #PolyfragmentedDID #pluraltalk #headmates #Sysmates #plural

Last updated 1 year ago

Safe Today, Tysm!!! 😭💗✨ · @Hare
202 followers · 2553 posts · Server

Trying to switch to an individual headmate, instead of our current uncomfortable dissociated blurry soup setting.

No idea who will end up fronting, just depends on who wants to, can handle everything going on, and a few other factors.

Although Hal has been near for about an hour, so I suppose it might be them.

Idk, but wish us luck that we don't make our headache turn migraine by switching.

#justpluralthings #pluralgang #did #osdd #headmates #PolyfragmentedDID #Migraine

Last updated 1 year ago

Urgent Help Needed! 70/700 · @Hare
196 followers · 2490 posts · Server

‼️ Mutual Aid Needed ‼️

For this pride month, my fiance and I just wanna survive (as usual) & keep our cats safe. 🌈😺

We're both queer as fuck non-binary trans spoonies who escaped abuse and have been chronically unhoused for the majority of our time together since 2016.

We're also autistic, chronically ill, and plural/have DID.

Our situation is becoming increasingly less safe, and we urgently need help.

Here is our blog post from earlier:

Thank you so much for boosting, please consider donating to our survival fund, it would mean the world to us! 🙏🏻

#cfs #fibro #did #blog #hungry #ineedrentrelief #osdd #actuallyautistic #timesensitive #comrades #MutualAid #crowdfund

Last updated 1 year ago

Struggling - Pls stand by 😰 · @Hare
197 followers · 2473 posts · Server
Prisma System · @prismasystem
26 followers · 155 posts · Server

Moin liebe Multis,
wer entscheidet bei euch, wann ihr an freien Tagen aufsteht?
Wie bei uns meist der Host?
Oder ist das ganz individuell?

#pluralgang #dis #osdd #plural

Last updated 1 year ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
25 followers · 139 posts · Server

In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Psychologie heute, Mai 2023, gibt es einen sehr ausgewogenen Artikel zu False Memory, mit gutem Aufzeigen der Ungereimtheiten, wenn sich Betroffene erst in Therapien erinnern & einer tollen Erklärung zur Entstehung von Dissoziativer Identitätsstörung.
Eventuell interessant für
Bitte bei Bedarf weiterleiten (Lydia Benecke fällt mir spontan ein, hat vermutlich kein Mastodonkonto).

#falsememory #dis #osdd #pluralgang

Last updated 2 years ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
20 followers · 102 posts · Server

in den nächsten Tagen wollen wir hier bei Mastodon besseren Anschluss an andere Autis und Multis suchen.
Neugierig, was draus wird? Wir auch :D.

#multi #did #dis #osdd #autismus #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

$200 Needed TODAY‼️ · @Hare
157 followers · 1733 posts · Server
Prisma System · @prismasystem
20 followers · 90 posts · Server

Dear Multis,
how are you keeping yourself updated with the alters you have?
In the last time, there were quite a few that seemed never seen so often before, which was quite confusing for our host,
and he didn't get to write their names and behaviour down, as he does regularly.
Please boost, if you want to, a broader variety of answers will be of great help here :-).
Sascha, Pichan, Jerome

#did #dis #multi #plural #osdd

Last updated 2 years ago

$475 Urgently Needed‼️ 25/500 · @Hare
148 followers · 1406 posts · Server
Hare is Terrified · @Hare
140 followers · 1270 posts · Server

I CANNOT let these trolls ruin our life the MONTH before we end up housed after years of homelessness.

They are aggressively harassing my family, friends, and ANYONE that helps or interacts with us on Twitter, and have been attempting to dox us for months now.

They don't care that we're actively escaping and avoiding abusers, that we're trans, chronically ill, disabled, and autistic.

And they know Nothing about DID so keep accusing me of weird shit because of it... 🙄

They would rather us die than receive the help we need to survive.

They have made that VERY clear, but they are not going to win because I will NEVER stop fighting for my family's safety and our right to exist and receive the care we so desperately need. 😤

#harassers #harassment #targetedharassment #queer #EscapingAbuse #cptsd #unhoused #trans #nonbinary #scared #determined #LongCovid #plurality #did #pluralgang #osdd

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
616 followers · 296 posts · Server

Me: "I wanna be one day for my writing!"

Also me: "A lot of people are liking this post I made on . Oh no. I'm in danger!"

😅 ☠️​

When I was little, I remember that my mom made me be a part of things that put me in front of national audiences (like the case of children who made inappropriately sexual jokes on Sabado Gigante during the late 1980s).

But I have no emotional memory of what that was like, and that's partly because—due to my I wasn't actually the one present during those things.

This is probably the closest I've gotten to "famous" since then, and holy shit. I did not expect my to react so poorly to the sudden rash of attention. And yes, it was positive attention, but my reaction was a kind of terror that it surprised me to experience.

Do I still want to be famous? I dunno. I really don't. But I'll keep doing me and see what happens. If I do become a big-name author one day, I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it. And maybe keep a therapist on-call.

#famous #twitter #osdd #anxiety #psychology #joan

Last updated 2 years ago

Prisma System · @prismasystem
20 followers · 43 posts · Server

Being plural is not always that easy.
But there are some things that are a huge advantage, we noticed over time:
When you're angry with someone and are within a system, than the person (or alter) does not have to wait until you calmed down to solve the problem, there are other alters that can be asked and will answer what went wrong, if this is ok for the angry alter.
With singlets, this is more complicated, I guess.

#dis #did #osdd #plural #pluralgang

Last updated 2 years ago

$1050 Urgently Needed‼️ 0/1050 · @Hare
135 followers · 1160 posts · Server
Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
604 followers · 245 posts · Server

A lot of are misdiagnosed with personality disorders because they show the symptoms of one or more personality disorders.

I know. That sounds weird. If you have the symptoms of a , surely you have the disorder, right?

That's true for a , but it's not true for a

A personality disorder is by definition. This means that it permeates throughout the person's life and colors every that they have. Every single one.

That means that for a to be accurately diagnosed with a personality disorder, all of that system must have the personality disorder. Not one . Not two. All of them.

By way of example, consider a plural system with a /#persecutor, a headmate who exists to protect the system, but that often also harms the system in the way that it chooses to protect the system. This protector/persecutor could be an of that system's external abuser, thereby continuing that individual's abuse on the system long after that individual is gone from the system's life.

That protector/persecutor might easily receive a of , , or Personality Disorder. But often the protector/persecutor is also unique among its headmates. The , , or diagnosis may be completely wrong for the other members of the system, and certainly for the host (if there is one), who may be the victim of the protector/persecutor's more often than not.

This means that the diagnosis of a personality disorder is wholly inaccurate. The personality disorder has not pervaded the system, and it therefore cannot be called a personality disorder. And if even one is capable of insight into the protector/persecutor, then that system's is likely to be significantly better than that of a person who has been accurately diagnosed with a personality disorder.

In short, for a system to be correctly diagnosed as having a personality disorder, all of that systems headmates must share the symptoms of the disorder. If they do not, they do not have a personality disorder.

I hope this has been helpful!

#plurals #disorder #singlet #plural #pervasive #experience #system #headmate #protector #maladaptive #introject #diagnosis #borderline #narcissistic #antisocial #bpd #npd #apd #abuse #abusive #prognosis #mentalhealth #dissociativedisorders #did #osdd #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
604 followers · 244 posts · Server

Because so many mental health professionals are either biased against folks or know less than nothing about it, many plural folks are rightfully suspicious of them. This means it can be tough to communicate actual knowledge about that has been obtained through scientific research.

Sadly, a lot of these are case studies, so we also can't be entirely sure that we can trust that the data we obtain from these studies are generalizable. So when someone speaks about the of , they must do it with the knowledge that what they have could only apply to a proportion of plurals, and a small proportion at that.

With that in mind, as a professional with expertise in and disorders generally and as a plural, I'd like to serve as a bridge between the latest research and the plural .

First, I want to talk about personality disorders and how even in the presence of a given PD's symptoms, a plural can be misdiagnosed as having a personality disorder when they do not.

#plural #plurals #research #studies #psychology #plurality #dissociation #dissociative #community #mentalhealth #casestudies #dissociativedisorders #did #osdd #personalitydisorders

Last updated 2 years ago