Here is #OSG Executive Director Frank Würthweim (UCSD) talking about the present and future ambitions of the project from this summers #HTC2023 meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. 🧀
I would like to remind US-affiliated researchers that you can utilize the #dHTC resources in the #OSG for free. Just sign up for an account and support staff will help you get up & running. If you are a #SysAdmin at a research institution, do consider sharing idle cycles with the pool.
In light of the #OSG's assertion that the Manhattan DA was picked and funded by #GeorgeSoros, I think we need an extension of #GodwinsLaw: The longer a Trump supporter talks, the probability of them invoking a Soros conspiracy approaches 1.
Outdoor Service Guides (formerly known as the Baden-Powell Service Association) believes that scouting is for everyBODY, including adults of all gender identities! If you live in the St. Louis area and are interested in community/environmental service and nature outings, join us! #BPSA #OSG #OutdoorServiceGuides #TraditionalScouting #InclusiveScouting #Rovers #Rovering #CommunityService #Outdoors
#bpsa #osg #outdoorserviceguides #traditionalscouting #inclusivescouting #rovers #rovering #CommunityService #outdoors
@ozwobbly - there's a LOT on google about it all.
The latest was the Hazodee stuff, but that's just the most recent in a long line of people asking them to do better, them issuing yet another apology that promises change, and then them making the exact same 'mistake'.
The Hazodee fuckup had them literally using minstrel style pictures of monkeys and talking about this 'slave race' of monkey people loving being enslaved, being less intelligent and more strong than other races - all the bullshit that's levelled at Black people all the time.
When tasked for an apology and to fix it, they point blank lied and blamed the 80s source material for the racist tropes.. which was very easily disproved when people looked at the old books.
WotC claim they use sensitivity readers and have a diverse editing team, but obviously don't (or don't listen to them).
My pov is that it's a deliberate attempt to keep the #OSG crowd who left DnD with the whole Ernie Gygax racism and transphobia thing.
#intro I support cool academic research by helping people access the computing power they need. #HTCondor #OSG
In my Ample Spare Time, I have too many hobbies, mostly at the intersection of (human) languages, education, and computing. #日本語 #Svenska #Hrvatski #العربية #Rails #Unity #Swift #Julia
Also love #math, #physics, #astronomy, #space, #music, #cooking, #gardening, and #scifi. Proud father of three amazing young women! #LGBTQ #ASD
#intro #htcondor #osg #日本語 #svenska #hrvatski #العربية #rails #unity #swift #julia #math #physics #Astronomy #space #music #cooking #gardening #scifi #lgbtq #asd
Advent(2) -- The System Call Advent Calendar
The Advent calendar of the Operating System Group at the Hamburg University of Technology.
Moving tags from profile for space reasons. Soon, something different!
#linux #foss #opensource #arch #manjaro #redhat #android #homelab #plex #kubernetes #k8s #raspberrypi #rpi #gaming #linuxgaming #retro #retrogaming #minecraft #nintendo #MiSTer #commodore #guitar #atheism #freethought #secular #humanism #diversity #inclusion #dei #outdoorserviceguides #osg #camping #volunteering #liberal #progressive #green #penniessuck #climatechangeisreal #wontanyonethinkofthechildren
#linux #foss #opensource #arch #manjaro #redhat #android #homelab #plex #kubernetes #k8s #raspberrypi #rpi #gaming #linuxgaming #retro #retrogaming #minecraft #nintendo #mister #commodore #guitar #atheism #freethought #secular #humanism #diversity #inclusion #dei #outdoorserviceguides #osg #camping #volunteering #liberal #progressive #green #penniessuck #climatechangeisreal #wontanyonethinkofthechildren
#Klimaneutral zur #Schule
Cool! Das Otto-Schott-Gymnasium #Jena baut eine Fahrradwerkstatt (auch zu Lehrzwecken!) und Fahrradausleihe auf, um den Schülerinnen und Schülern -- und natürlich auch deren Eltern -- das #umweltfreundlich:ste #Fortbewegungsmittel nahezubringen (nur der Fußverkehr dürfte das noch toppen).
Preisgeld von #SCHOTT. Weitere Unterstützung (praktisch/finanziell) gesucht!
#klimaneutral #schule #jena #umweltfreundlich #Fortbewegungsmittel #schott #fahrrad #osg #FediLZ #werkstatt