The #OSGeoLive documentation archive has been updated to include the v14 and v15 releases. Have a look through to see the amazing progress of #OSGeo projects over the past 15 years. #foss4g 🗺️ See desktop of version 4.0.1 Barcelona 2010
Get ready for #foss4g2023 & download #OSGeoLive 16 beta 1.
We have uploaded an iso & VM version of beta 1
Documentation for version 16 is available too.
We hope you like the new version. See you in Prizren next week. #FOSS4G #OSGeo #FOSSGIS
#foss4g2023 #osgeolive #foss4g #osgeo #fossgis
Springer Makes Open Source Chapter Of Upcoming Handbook Of Geographic Information Freely Accessible In April
-- <-- shared journal issue
H/T Doug Newcomb
[a good overview of open source GIS software stacks]
“... As a service to the readers, the reference section of this chapter includes scientific video recordings which provide additional content regarding software capabilities, historical notes and background information: #Actinia, #GeoBlackLight, #GeoPaparazzi, #GeoPython, #GeoServer, #GeoTools, #GMT, #GRASSGIS, #gvSIG, #JTS, #Leaflet, #MapServer, #NASAWorldWind, #OSGeoLive. #PostGIS, #PROJ, #QGIS, #rasdaman. In addition, scientific videos about the #OSGeo Foundation and the annual #SolKatzAwards or #GeospatialFreeandOpenSourceSoftware are included…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #FOSS #opensourcesoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #postgresql #postgres #softwarestacks
#actinia #geoblacklight #geopaparazzi #geopython #geoserver #geotools #gmt #grassgis #gvsig #jts #leaflet #MapServer #nasaworldwind #osgeolive #postgis #proj #qgis #rasdaman #osgeo #solkatzawards #geospatialfreeandopensourcesoftware #gis #spatial #mapping #free #opensource #software #foss #OpenSourceSoftware #algorithms #geospatialtechnology #PostgreSQL #postgres #softwarestacks
Hello Berlin!
Enjoy #FOSSGIS2023!
We hope you like #OSGEOLIVE! Get information at the #FOSSGIS booth.
#foss4g #osgeo
If you are looking for activities, you can support us with the next Version 16.0.
#fossgis2023 #osgeolive #fossgis #foss4g #osgeo
#OSGeoLive 16.0 alpha2 is ready for projects & testing.
Please download the iso
We would like to encourage all projects to test & update their installers if needed.
Please test and report any issues found
#osgeolive #osgeo #foss4g #fossgis
Is it me or there is no downloadable vmdk file for #OSGeoLive 15?
Please support the @osgeolive team. You can download & test our #OSGeoLive 16.0 nightlies
Please get involved!
#osgeolive #fossgis #osgeo #foss4g
Thanks a lot @devin_bartley for your feedback
Great you liked the @MapScaping episode & discovered #OSGeoLive
We are happy to share the link to the episode
& we are working on @osgeolive 16.0 with more great #FOSSGIS software #OSGeo
RT @devin_bartley
I also wanted to shout out the @MapScaping podcast for turning m…
#FOSS4G2023 CfP deadline has been extended to Feb 28.
No problem for the @osgeolive team. Our submission is done already.
We hope to see you at #FOSS4G in June in Prizren.
#Geospatial #FOSSGIS #OSGeo #OSGeoLive
RT @foss4g
Don’t let the clock run out on your chance! ⏰
Our CfP deadline has been extended to Feb 28.
Take a break, get those ideas flowing and submit your proposal with renewed energy ⚡️
Let's put the "geo" in #geospatial …
#foss4g2023 #foss4g #geospatial #fossgis #osgeo #osgeolive
The @osgeolive Team is planning to go to #FOSS4G2023 to
➡️ talk about the project status
➡️provide a workshop
➡️& meet you 🥳
We will bring #OSGeoLive 16.0 🚀
You are welcome to help with testing & translating. Now!
See you at #FOSS4G
#foss4g2023 #osgeolive #foss4g #osgeo #fossgis
RT @keus9696
地理空間アプリケーションに特化した #OSGeoLive をインストールしてみました。GISとか全然わからないけど、なんか楽しい。
The @osgeolive team is looking forward to #FOSS4G 20023!
Version 16 will be ready for the conference & workshops
#foss4g #osgeo #fossgis #osgeolive
#OSGeoLive starting build cycle for @osgeolive 16.0
Your project would like to join OSGeoLive?
Find out about the procedure
You are welcome.
#osgeolive #osgeo #fossgis #foss4g
RT @osgeolive
#OSGeoLive starting build cycle for @osgeolive 16.0
Read more in our Press Release 97
Please download alpha1, test, contribute & join our project.
#OSGeoLive starting build cycle for @osgeolive 16.0
Read more in our Press Release 97
Please download alpha1, test, contribute & join our project.
RT @osgeolive
First beta version of #OSGeoLive 15 is available
Please download [1], test & report any issues found [2]
Changelog [3]
[4] VM version
#fossgis #foss4g #osgeo #osgeolive
Are you in #Accra, #Ghana this Saturday, 02.04.2022? Interested in Geo, want to learn /share something 🌍? Join me and friends to explore Free and Open Source GIS and #OpenStreetMap during Linux Accra meet-up - from 2pm at Ghana-India Kofi Annan ICT Center - #QGIS #FOSS4G #OSGeoLive
#Accra #ghana #OpenStreetMap #qgis #foss4g #osgeolive
Welcome to OSGeoLive 14.0 — OSGeoLive 14.0 Documentation #distribution #opensource #geospatial #osgeolive #software #lubuntu #ubuntu #linux #osgeo #live #dvd #usb
#distribution #opensource #geospatial #osgeolive #software #lubuntu #ubuntu #linux #osgeo #live #dvd #usb
#OSGeoLive 14.0 "Malena" Released
25 May 2021
The OSGeoLive team are proud to announce the release of version 14.0 of the OSGeoLive GIS software collection.
We would like to dedicate this version to our friend Malena Libman who passed away shortly before OSGeoLive 14.0 was released. #FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires was her dream.
Farewell Malena, we will miss you.