@bowreality @pavelzinoviev @smallcircles I would've likely considered @obsidian , alongsode #Oshi, #Wsend and maky others like #Tarsnap, if I didn't have to comply with both #GDPR & #BDSG which is incompatible with #CloudAct.
Otherwise I would've used Tarsnap for backups for nearly a decade.
#cloudact #bdsg #gdpr #tarsnap #wsend #oshi
@enigmatico TBH, I hate the #Enshittification that gets us shitty #WebApps with #DarkPattern|s and horrible #UX like #Discord and #MicrosoftTeams.
IMHO there's no valid excluse not to have a easy-to-use, free and publicly accessible #API like #Zulip, #ntfy or even #Oshi has.
Everything else is just #AntiAccessibility by design and should be outlawed!
#antiaccessibility #oshi #ntfy #zulip #api #MicrosoftTeams #Discord #ux #DarkPattern #WebApps #enshittification
Kotaku: Chainsaw Man Creator Wants To Stop Drawing Manga, Just Write Its Story https://kotaku.com/chainsaw-man-manga-oshi-no-ko-crunchyroll-shonen-jump-1850684535 #gaming #tech #kotaku #redditorasianant #tatsukifujimoto #yokoyarimengo #hayaomiyazaki #yukinobutatsu #studioghibli #chainsawman #tatsuyaendo #shonenmanga #akaakasaka #dmingmengo #deathnote #chainsaw #dandadan #fujimoto #oshinoko #lookback #yujikaku #manga #denji #oshi #ko
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #redditorasianant #tatsukifujimoto #yokoyarimengo #hayaomiyazaki #yukinobutatsu #studioghibli #chainsawman #tatsuyaendo #shonenmanga #akaakasaka #dmingmengo #DeathNote #chainsaw #dandadan #fujimoto #oshinoko #lookback #yujikaku #manga #denji #oshi #ko
I think this is more for idols, but if you have a favorite #anime character*, this also might be for you! Found at #Kinokuniya #Singapore: assemble your own Shinto shrine for your #oshi (can display a trading card, an acrylic stand or a keychain). Takes worshipping to a different level, I guess.
* I personally can’t ever get myself to say “w@ifu” or “husb@ndo”, sorry
** An explanation for “oshi” https://latelyjapanese.com/slang/20200914/meaning-of-oshi推し/
#anime #kinokuniya #singapore #oshi