I think I'll just stop #using #JSFiddle now
All my work is *suddenly* #untitled ?
Noi explanation on /how/ to switch #fiddle privacy ?
I'll program my own jsfiddle now.
F.U. whoever #oskar is.
#Stackoverflow can be silent now too.
#using #jsfiddle #untitled #fiddle #oskar #stackoverflow #ihatebeingdependantonbs
Ectophenonmenon is a webcomic in which Ollie Goat goes on different hijinks from the simple fact that he was dating a guy who is a vampire that turned him into a vampire making him irresistible to monsterfurs how will he get out of these sticky steamy situations read the webcomic series to find out by checking the 👉#ectofeature tag #ollie #oskar
Doug Rouland - Feeling Through
#empathy #deaf #blind #oskar
#shortfilm #farbfernsehen #filmtipp #fernsehtipp
#empathy #deaf #blind #oskar #shortfilm #farbfernsehen #filmtipp #fernsehtipp
Commission for @LittlePuffin ! Tysm 💕
#horridhenry #ruderalph #diaper #oskar #bullying
The faller OSKAR Portable TV Voice Enhancer is designed to prioritise speech and dialogue in an easy to use and attractive package up to 30 metres from you TV.
Designed to aid hearing difficulties making it easier to hear dialogue on films and TV shows.
#Soundbar #hifi #oskar #faller #Audio #TV
@3sat Fände Zusatzinformationen zu Filmen, Dokus, bes. Ereignissen gut: gestern auf @arte lief "Die Brücke" - nominiert für #oskar , V. Lechtenbrink, G. Pfitzmann, Wepper, Vv Bülow ... #Kriegsende
This is a new commission from Miss Venice @missvenice in the style of Horrid Henry. Be on the watch for more!
Oskar is pretty guillble, and a clever bloke can get him to show his "secret" with ease... Look everyone, he's an innie! 😂
#oskar #diaper #pullups #pull_ups
We FINALLY Went Back To JAPAN https://www.alojapan.com/788661/we-finally-went-back-to-japan/
Today we’re taking you along on our first day in Japan, going from Tokyo to Kyoto via Osaka🙌🇯🇵 Sakura cherry blossom season in Japan has been on our bucket list FOR YEARS and we finally got the chance to go now that we completed our 100-country goal😍🌸 We are Oskar & Dan, two boys from
#Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #Oscar&dan #Oscaranddan #oskar&dan #oskaranddan #神戸
#kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #oscar #oscaranddan #oskar #oskaranddan #神戸
#PeterPiotr przedstawia #Oskar.ka z tytką #butapren.u, wraz z #Terlecki.m i #Kaczyński.m na cmentarzu
#Napoleon w fundacji celowej Wieprze #Orwell.a:
- To butapren habilitacyjny, poszukiwany jak Święty Graal!
#peterpiotr #oskar #butapren #terlecki #kaczynski #napoleon #orwell
I got something new to show with a fair bit of polish, too. Someone special in Oskar's life is getting real curious after spiking his drink. Even though it puts him right to sleep, it's unfortunately not enough to make him feel nothing at all. Poor little guy!
I want to give a shout out to @incublush for inspiration and the pose for this one. The original is sooooo good, so check it out!
#oskar #diaper #toddler #somophilia #noncon
#PabloMorales #Oskar skarży się, że dyscyplinarne dochodzenie na UW wobec niego, to są "stalinowskie metody".
#Napoleon w fundacji celowej Wieprze #Orwell.a:
- To zamach jak na legendę Pawlika Morozowa!
#pablomorales #oskar #napoleon #orwell
There are two versions, one with the apple photo UI and the other is without it. Which do you like better.
I like to think that Oskar's mom surprises him in the morning with a "Good Morning Sweetie!" or "Happy Birthday!" and take a picture/video. Then Oskar says "Duuuuuuunt!"
Full disclosure on this one. This one based of the pose and style of the excellent pose of the picture below. Props to the artist! PIXIV: L-BRUSH
#Oskar #Diaper #Embarrassed #Crying #shota #toddler #showing
#oskar #diaper #embarrassed #crying #shota #toddler #showing
Akademi (Oskar) Ödülü
Erich Maria #Remarque'ın aynı adlı (Im Westen nicths Neues) romanından uyarlama.
#Alman yapımı, #Netflix filmi.
1930 yapımı ilk versiyona göre görsellik ve ses kalitesinin yüksekliği kesin. Ancak savaş karşıtı filmlere 'DNA' olan ilk versiyonun yeri her zaman ayrı.
Savaş karşıtlığını konu alan bir filmin, yeni bir gündemle, ödül almış olması (ticari tarafını düşündürse de), her türlü taktire değer.
#Oscar #Oskar #AcademyAwards #AkademiÖdülleri
#remarque #alman #netflix #oscar #oskar #academyawards #akademiodulleri
Erich Maria #Remarque'ın aynı adlı (Im Westen nicths Neues) romanından uyarlama.
#Alman yapımı, #Netflix filmi.
1930 yapımı ilk versiyona göre görsellik ve ses kalitesinin yüksekliği kesin. Ancak savaş karşıtı filmlere 'DNA' olan ilk versiyonun yeri her zaman ayrı.
Savaş karşıtlığını konu alan bir filmin, yeni bir gündemle, ödül almış olması (ticari tarafını düşündürse de), her türlü taktire değer.
#Oscar #Oskar #AcademyAwards #AkademiÖdülleri
#remarque #alman #netflix #oscar #oskar #academyawards #akademiodulleri
Die Kavallerie hat also einen Oskar gewonnen.
Freut mich ungemein wie viel schauspielerische Fähigkeit da noch im Verborgenen lagen und mit #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce offen gelegt wurden. #Oskar #MichelleYeoh
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #oskar #MichelleYeoh
PiSowski hejter #Oskar zero refleksji, oblężona twierdza, odgonowanie rzeczywistości i dalej obrażanie innych. ZIOBRO ZASKOCZENIA