Washing your hands and limiting physical touch can help you avoid germs. But how do you protect yourself from an airborne disease?
Rethink your approach to COVID-19. Get the facts from OSPE's Indoor Air Quality Advisory Group: https://bit.ly/3OMERYd
RT @O_S_P_E@twitter.com
Washing your hands and limiting physical touch can help you avoid germs. But how do you protect yourself from an airborne disease?
Rethink your approach to COVID-19. Get the facts from OSPE's Indoor Air Quality Advisory Group: https://bit.ly/3OMERYd
OSPE's "Core Recommendations for Safer Indoor Air" report can improve air quality in:
any #hospital
any #school
any #condo
any #office
any #arena
If it's an indoor space, we can help you improve the air. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3OMERYd
#hospital #school #condo #office #Arena #ospeleads #engineerslead
RT @O_S_P_E: You’re vaccinated, masked, and socially distanced – but is your workplace compromising your protection?
Any indoor space can be adapted to limit the spread of COVID. Get the facts from our Indoor Air Quality Advisory Group: https://ospe.on.ca/indoor-air-quality/
#EngineersLead https://twitter.com/O_S_P_E/status/1603081407408099328/photo/1