Little bit too much work right now, very little focus on my own projects.
But at least the new job is still great! Get to talk about #NETCONF #ospf #multicast #linux and #embedded all day long, so I'm a happy camper!! 🙂
Btw, we just released v23.08 of our #opensource network OS, Infix, out the door!
#netconf #ospf #multicast #linux #embedded #opensource
@manlycoffee If I remember correctly in #cplusplus if you are switching on an enum and you leave out the default case then the compiler will flag that a case has not been handled. I used the feature extensively when implementing #ospf years ago.
Being able to achieve #ospf #routing over #wireguard is an absolute thing of beauty.
Ich schaue mir gerade ein Video über OSPF von den Routingdays 2016 an. Die Aussage "Dann dauert es 40 Sekunden bis ich erkenne, dass mein Nachbar Tod ist." ohne Kontext zu kennen, wäre seltsam.
#routingdays16 #routingdays #ospf
Funny project to evaluate routing on an satellite network (using a simulator, not real satellites). #OSPF or #AODV cannot deal with the peculiarities of satellites (loss, delay).
How to Optimize Your MPLS VPN with OSPF Sham-Link
#Cisco #MPLS #OSPF #shamlinks #Networking #ccna #ccnp #CCIE #Networks #networkengineers #networksbaseline #ciscochampion
#cisco #mpls #ospf #shamlinks #networking #ccna #ccnp #ccie #networks #networkengineers #networksbaseline #CiscoChampion
Update to @zeek #OSPF packet analyzer to make it Zeek v5.2 ready:
I have achieved peak "administrative" laziness. Or zen. Whatever you want to call it.
I have a smart switch hooked up to my cable modem. The smart switch is controlled via #homeassistant and I'm running a neat project that allows me to decouple the smartswitch from the cloud so I have complete local control of it (#localtuya project).
So when #ospf / #wireguard are down because my modem is being a douchebag, I can reboot the modem without having to leave my desk without having to reach out to a cloud on the other side of the planet.
Ok, fair, not complete zen because I still have to push a button in home assistant (automating cable modem reboot seems...questionable?).
#homeassistant #localtuya #ospf #wireguard
I'm trying to make my Wireguard network a little bit easier to manage. Has anyone tried or would recommend running OSPF or BGP on top of Wireguard? I have a mix of OPNsense and pfSense (pfSense is deprecated and getting replaced with OPNsense slowly but surely).
Just looking for general input and if anyone can share their experiences. I've read a few blogs on the matter and anything is better than the static route mess.
#networking #wireguard #bgp #ospf #pfsense #opnsense
@defaultvlan I learned by doing but there was no alternative when I started 😃 Doyle's OSPF and IS-IS is a good book (might be dated if there hasn't been a new edition). Practical BGP by White et al is also very good. Some Internet Registries and Internet Exchange points have training, either tutorials or workshops. I have taught at the APNIC workshops which are typically in person but there is stuff on line at their academy web site. Also @wtremmel does stuff at DE-CIX.
#decix #isis #bgp #ospf #apnic #training
Changing our #OSPF auto-cost metric from 10Gbps to 100Gbps. Long overdue!
(This is an example toot of us at our most tech/nerdy)
Für netzwerkaffine Nachmacher hab ich mal einen kleinen Ausblick auf die nächste Evolutionsstufe von #probix gebastelt:
Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!
#probix_neo #probix_ng #networking #mikrotik #proxmox #virtualization #routing #bgp #ospf #mpls
#probix #probix_neo #probix_ng #networking #mikrotik #proxmox #virtualization #routing #bgp #ospf #mpls
Heute das gute Wetter nochmal für dieses "Frischluft" genutzt. Nun geht es wieder zurück ans Terminal. Es wartet noch meine Projektidee für den Winter auf mich, die ausformuliert und an die #lugfl geschickt werden will. Es wird ums Netzwerken gehen... #linux #wireguard #ospf #bgp
#bgp #ospf #wireguard #linux #lugfl
Discord MikroTik Channel #mikrotik #routerOS #DE erstellt. Wer Interesse hat für einen Austausch und als Community Plattform kurz PM/ DM. Da noch Alphaphase #routing #ospf #dhcp #hardware #software Ok #mikrotik #de Austausch :-)
#mikrotik #routeros #de #routing #ospf #dhcp #hardware #software
Mein #OSPF Migrationssetup läuft. Jetzt muss ich nur noch irgendwie meine Produktivrouter von statischen Routen auf OSPF umstellen. Am besten ohne mir selber ein Bein abzusägen.