#Birds #Osprey #NewEngland #BirdCam #Birdwatching #Wildlife
Good news from my local #OspreyCam in Gloucester, Massachusetts USA: Annie and Squam (named after the Annisquam River...their nest platform is on a salt marsh connected to that river) returned at the end of March, and Annie laid her first egg of the season yesterday!
This is Annie and Squam's sixth year together. You can watch and read about them here: https://ecga.org/Osprey-Cam
#birds #osprey #newengland #birdcam #birdwatching #wildlife #ospreycam
In an earlier moment on Mastodon, I was mostly using the site to watch #OspreyCam.
Good news here:
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - Woodland Trust
It’s rare now to see three members of the #osprey family together. I can’t tell which is which now and whether there are still four members in the family. I also like this #capture because it catches the #sunset.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #osprey #capture #sunset #uk #scotland #wildlife #conservation
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
What’s going on here this morning? It looks like this crow (or is it a raven?) is on the #osprey #nest while one of the ospreys looks on from nearby. I guess that the interloper is looking for #grubs and #insects to feed on and is thereby serving to clean the nest of #parasites. I presume that’s why its presence is being tolerated.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #osprey #nest #grubs #insects #parasites #uk #scotland #wildlife #birds
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
Update: while the #nest is full of empty #Ospreys, we have an interloper sneaking about.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #nest #Ospreys #scotland #uk
Osprey chicks near fledgling age.
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
This may not look like the most exciting #picture in the world because it appears to show an empty #nest but the #osprey seen in the upper left corner just flew to that branch. I don’t know if it was the #chick's actual maiden flight but now both have developed the ability to fly.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #picture #nest #osprey #chick #wildlife #scotland #uk
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
The #Osprey #chicks are now juveniles and no doubt will be able to fly soon.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #osprey #chicks #uk #scotland #wildlife
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
Wow, those two surviving #osprey #chicks are getting big. They’ve probably got a decent chance of reaching maturity, I reckon.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #osprey #chicks #uk #scotland
One osprey chick stepped on during nest adjustment by female and did not survive the night. Remaining two doing well.
#ospreycam #osprey #birds #wildlife
Three osprey chicks and parents enjoying a bit of rare Oregon North Coast sunshine.
#northcoast #pnw #ospreycam #osprey #birds #wildlife
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
Mixed news from the #Osprey #Nest in #Scotland. Two #chicks are thriving and growing up fast but one died a few days ago. I could be very wrong but I when I tried to find out when the death had occured, I thought I saw that the parents were feeding the dead chick to the surviving two. If so, I had no idea they engaged in #cannibalism.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #osprey #nest #scotland #chicks #cannibalism #wildlife #uk
Two osprey chicks being fed this morning.
#ospreycam #chicks #birds #osprey
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
Within the last couple of hours, the last of the #ospreay #eggs has hatched and so this pair of parents has a full brood now. I don’t know what the chances of the last #chick are since it will lag behind the others by several days. I guess the first few days are the crucial ones.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #ospreay #eggs #chick
#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust
The first of the three #Osprey #Eggs has hatched and you can see the #chick here along with both parents.
#LochArkaig #ospreycam #webcam #woodlandtrust #osprey #eggs #chick #wildlife #scotland #birds #ornithology
Three osprey eggs!
#osprey #ospreycam #eggs #northcoast #pnw #wildlife #nature #birds
#birds #nature #wildlife #pnw #northcoast #eggs #ospreycam #osprey
Two osprey in nest with two eggs. Great news.
#osprey #ospreycam #eggs #northcoast #pnw #wildlife #nature #birds
#birds #nature #wildlife #pnw #northcoast #eggs #ospreycam #osprey
Two osprey eggs confirmed. See comments. Can rewind to see one egg earlier in day before sunrise.
#osprey #eggs #ospreycam #nature #birds #wildlife #northcoast #pnw
#pnw #northcoast #wildlife #birds #nature #ospreycam #eggs #osprey