Getting back on the hobby wagon, kitbashing some guys for The Doomed. Here we have a lowly Squire & Seeker for my Martyr Retinue.
#thedoomed #ospreygames #miniatures #frostgrave #stargrave #kitbash #wargaming #northstarmilitaryfigures
#thedoomed #ospreygames #miniatures #frostgrave #stargrave #kitbash #wargaming #northstarmilitaryfigures
#OspreyGames #thedoomed PDF available as of today. I’ve only been able to skim it, but I think it looks like a lot of fun— by default, the game is #coopertition, multiple warbands competing against each other while there is also an automated horror and its minions fighting everybody. Looks intentionally easy to hack to use custom horrors, or turn fully competitive or cooperative.
#ospreygames #thedoomed #coopertition
Just played: #thekingisdead 2e by #ospreygames
#Brainfuck, need more games.
#thekingisdead #ospreygames #brainfuck
Time to finish the weekend with a blast! Undaunted: Stalingrad is hitting the table, we play scenario #72: Tank Support. Would my Soviets withstand the German panzers assault? Let us check!
#trevormbenjamin #OspreyGames
#trevormbenjamin #ospreygames #tabletop #wargames
I had no clue about the background of #zonaalfa but after hearing about its background on #fortifiednichepodcast I've been listening to the Roadside Picnic audio book while's pretty good!!
#miniaturewargaming #osprey #ospreypublishing #ospreygames #ospreywargames
#zonaalfa #fortifiednichepodcast #Miniaturewargaming #osprey #ospreypublishing #ospreygames #ospreywargames
@lategamer Enjoy, in my opinion, #OspreyGames has some neat #boardgames and #ttrpg. Right now, I‘m digging #HeirstoHeresy, a #ttrpg about the fall of the #knighttemplars. It‘s certainly not perfect, I like the basic concept and some ideas. As far as I know, there is nothing we couldn’t with some #houserules.
#ospreygames #boardgames #ttrpg #heirstoheresy #knighttemplars #houserules
Slowly but surely this #Hasbro #wotc or #OGL discussion is getting on my nerves, especially since neither #Dungeons nor #Dragons particularly excite me, rule system and most associated worlds are rather boring in my opinion. There are so many other nice alternatives - without d20! Some bheresy: #DnD ≠ #ttrpg!
Just my 2 cents, among others I’m looking forward to some of #OspreyGames‘ #ttrpg 2023:
#Hasbro #wotc #ogl #dungeons #dragons #dnd #ttrpg #ospreygames
I‘m interested in playing #OspreyGames‘ #HeirstoHeresy: The Fall of the #KnightsTemplar: A #ttrpg.
Back in the day, I worked for some hobby distributors/publishers and comic stores in Frankfurt, Germany. While #superheroes were part of my jobs, I never got into them. I always prefered other stuff like #Templar.
It‘s #ttrpg research and preparation at same time. There worse things in life…
#ospreygames #heirstoheresy #knightstemplar #ttrpg #superheroes #templar
A Necromancer and some Rats walk into an abandoned Alchemists Workshop….
I’m really happy out with progress on the painting front for #Frostgrave this week. Necromancer finished, and the rats finished but needing based. Not pictured are some cultists that are half way through laying the base coats down.
#Wargaming #Warmongers #OspreyGames #NorthstarFigs #Hobby #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #MiniaturePainting #Tabletop #TabletopGaming #TabletopMiniatureGaming
#frostgrave #wargaming #warmongers #ospreygames #northstarfigs #Hobby #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #miniaturepainting #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopminiaturegaming
I finally got the chance to play Joseph McCullough's Silver Bayonet. I can confirm that changes in the mechanic make the monsters are even more vicious than the ones in Frostgrave. Its was really fun though. #miniaturepainter #wargame #silverbayonet #ospreygames
#miniaturepainter #wargame #silverbayonet #ospreygames
#ttrpg things giving me joy atm
Planning one shots for #ospreygames games. I have many plans and ideas.
The simple joy of playing my utterly dumb warlock Bullywug Olgureg who just wants to be a hero to make people like bullywug.
Any #Wuxia fans out there? Checkout #OspreyGames': Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades. If I recall correctly, #OgreGate uses a similar system. Back then I played #Cubicle7 #Qin, and I really liked our fantasy variant of ancient China.
Sadly they didn't translate all sourcebooks of the original French #ttrpg. #Wuxia is a crazy genre for any screen and gaming table (in my opinion).
Hopefully they will provide more material for #RighteousBlood! Enjoy.
More than #DnD
#Wuxia #ospreygames #ogregate #cubicle7 #qin #ttrpg #righteousblood #dnd
#HeirstoHeresy (#Ospreygames, #AlanBahr): A #ttrpg that currently interests me a lot. Certainly not perfect, the woken teachings bother me. Apart from this super-teacherly fuss, the fall of the #KnightsTemplar offers a fantastic foundation for great role-playing moments. Fantasy, history and everything in between paired with a rather simple system and a very strong theme that is as clear as it is open. Friday 13th Oct. 1307, you are one of the #Thirty (#JohnWick, anyone?)… Survive. Enjoy.
#heirstoheresy #ospreygames #alanbahr #ttrpg #knightstemplar #thirty #JohnWick
Things on the list
A short battle story
My rpg
Oneshot adventures for many #Ospreygames
A Cthulhu adventure
So for holiday s#!ts & giggles I am going to do a random roll, pull whatever number it is off my shelf, and highlight that game. Let’s see what comes up.
Dec 9th Roll:
Romance of the Perilous Land: A Roleplaying Game of British Folklore by Scott Malthouse
“…a game of magic & adventure set in the world of British folklore, from the stories of King Arthur to the wonderful regional tales told throughout this green and pleasant land.”
#ttrpg #romanceoftheperilousland #ospreygames
#ttrpg #romanceoftheperilousland #ospreygames
We released another episode of #ospreygames Heirs to Heresy today! In which our heroes inflict violence on a blockading French ship as they try and escape from their pursuers
Here goes.
My is narrow and tall and tucked away in a corner that is odd to photograph.
#OrbitalBlues #OspreyGames #Hyperborea #GammaWorld #ICRPG #Conan2d20
#shelfiesaturday #OrbitalBlues #ospreygames #hyperborea #gammaworld #icrpg #Conan2d20
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ospreygames #alanbahr
That feeling when you know you’re running Osprey Games Heirs To Heresy in 11 hours and don’t yet have anything planned. I have five Templars running through a forest with two boat loads of men at arms and two injured knights chasing them (they did violencing last episode).
The peasants who helped them escape Paris are also nearby… hmmm
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ospreygames #alanbahr
#UndauntedStalingrad is $120 US?! Yikes. I know that enough staff-hours went into it to justify that and the production looks gorgeous... But now i *definitely* need to try it at #PaxUnplugged before buying to make sure it's a perfect fit! (it's a good thing i only have three items on my list!) #BoardGames #DeckBuilders #OspreyGames
#undauntedstalingrad #paxunplugged #boardgames #deckbuilders #ospreygames