I'm looking for #OSSec guidance, I remember when #tripwire was suggested for detecting #rootkits, but there's so many options, with #Zeek and #Maltrail. #HIDS #IntrusionDetection
I thought OSSEC with the GUI looked nice, especially if there was a central monitoring server that agents could report to. Zeek looks more like that but looks like it may have to sit at the router, which is annoying, and doesn't detect rootkits at all. My end goal is preventing SIP phone fraud.
#ossec #tripwire #rootkits #zeek #maltrail #hids #intrusiondetection
Praktyczny OSSEC – nowe energetyzujące szkolenie już w piątek!
OSSEC jest kompletną platformą do monitorowania stanu systemów operacyjnych w sieci oferującą funkcjonalności HIDS, SIEM, monitorowania logów, wykrywania rootkitów oraz sprawdzania integralności plików systemowych. Działa pod wszystkimi popularnymi systemami i co najważniejsze – w wersji podstawowej jest darmowa. Jeżeli nie masz czasu na proaktywną analizę logów systemowych w poszukiwaniu prób...
#Aktualności #OSSEC #SekurakAcademy #Szkolenie
#aktualnosci #ossec #sekurakacademy #szkolenie
Also #OSSEC läuft auf dem Server und Protokolliert auch, jetzt muss ich noch rausfinden, wie ich ihn einstellen muss, damit er mit ein paar Mails schickt.
Ich würde mich ja echt gern mit #OSSEC befassen, aber es gibt keine deutschen Anleitungen.
Wenn ich mit #OSSEC den Server schützen möchte, muss ich da den Server oder den Agenten installieren?
Keep your #WordPress website secure! Use wp-cli to manage and keep it up-to-date or overkill tool like Wazuh to scan it! https://wazuh.com/blog/how-to-perform-wordpress-security-assessment-with-wazuh/
#wordpress #security #wazuh #ossec #hids
Keep your #WordPress website secure! Use wp-cli to manage and keep it up-to-date or overkill tool like Wazuh to scan it! https://wazuh.com/blog/how-to-perform-wordpress-security-assessment-with-wazuh/
#wordpress #security #wazuh #ossec #hids
Keep your #WordPress website secure! Use wp-cli or overkill tool like Wazuh! https://wazuh.com/blog/how-to-perform-wordpress-security-assessment-with-wazuh/
#wordpress #security #wazuh #ossec #hids
For #FollowFriday there are two accounts you really should be following.
The first is @tony, small businessman extraordinaire. The second is @dcid, lead technical badass of just about everything logs and WAF-related.
Daniel is the creator of #OSSEC, a very robust open source HIDS. Daniel and Tony went on to found Sucuri, a WAF that was later acquired by GoDaddy.
Today, they do lots of interesting stuff, from #Trunc, to #CleanBrowsing, to noc.org. You're in good hands with Tony and Daniel.
#FollowFriday #ossec #Trunc #cleanbrowsing
Put together a new script to automate how I install my #ossec agents on my web servers... what else should I add? #linux #hids #security https://github.com/perezbox/script-public/blob/main/OSSEC/install-ossecagent.sh
Me fondre pleinement dans mon travail m'a permis de prendre du recul.
Il me manque de la méthode et surtout de la bonne pratique.
J'en suis arrivé à Charles Bargue.
Long à expliquer ici mais ça me permettra je pense de pratiquer plus sereinement, sans devoir m'interroger en permanence, un temps.
Commandé ce gros ouvrage donc... et un bouquin sur #ossec 🤣