ElNacional.cat a X: "🐻😱 Uns treballadors de Vaquèira han vist un exemplar d'os bru a la carretera de la Bonaigua al Pallars Sobirà. Encara no se sap si es tracta del mateix que ha aparegut altres vegades al llarg de l'estiu. #elnacionalcat #os #ossos #bonaigua #pallars #fauna #pirineus https://t.co/fDpU4vgMHA" / X
#elnacionalcat #os #ossos #bonaigua #pallars #fauna #pirineus
Combining the 3 Gizmos I made together to manage the IK Target & Pole Direction of a character limb. I think this might be good, all thats left is to make this work with an #ossos's IK Rig & Skinned mesh😊
#ossos #threejs #animation #webgl #opensource #indiedev #gamedev
Finished making a Twist Gizmo to use in the new IK Control Rig for #ossos. Thinking instead of using pnts to define the pole direction of Knees/Elbows, Having this tear shape do the pointing & illustrate the -180:180 deg rotation range on drag.
#ossos #threejs #animation #opensource
Lost cnt but my current attempt at modeling MsCosplay feels good, got the general curvey silhouettes that I'm shooting 4 but some of my loops are very poorly planned out. Here's hoping I'll be able to make a #opensource mini game using #ossos & #threejs this year with her 🤞
Walla! Elbow is bending the right way PLUS pole target for elbow dir. Will work 4 legs too, so next tackle spine & see if I can make the body bend over by pulling on the arm (hard part). Need 2 make some Rigging Gizmos at some point too. Halfway to IK Posing in my #ossos library.
#threejs #gamedev #indiedev #webdev #math #opensource #rigging
#ossos #threejs #gamedev #indiedev #webdev #math #opensource #rigging
Rebuilt the normal animation retargeting for #ossos. Got Nabba & @KayLousberg 's Pete doing the catwalk animation from #mixamo. Pete needs some additives down the line tho.
With this done, back to rebuilding the inverse kinematic stuff.
#threejs #webgl #javascript #opensource
#ossos #mixamo #threejs #webgl #javascript #opensource
Since I have animation syncing working, Lets throw pose blending in next. I can't wait to recreate the #ossos v0.3 IK retargeting demo, it will be pretty sweet to have all those characters blend between animations like this.
#threejs #opensource #gamedev #webdev
#ossos #threejs #opensource #gamedev #webdev
it lives.... IT LIVES !!!
After all the development I've done on #ossos, finally have a character I can animate, control and move. Next things to build is blending & syncing animations so pete can do more then just walk forward 🥳
#ossos #threejs #gamdev #indiedev #metaverse #opensource
After some thought, computing root motion would be easy if I had markers when feet touch down/lift up. Sooo, I built on animation events first & walla, #ossos now has support for animation events / markers. I flip colors on feet touch down events😊
#threejs #gamedev #metaverse
#ossos #threejs #gamedev #metaverse
We have animation in #ossos rendering in #threejs !
Wanted to work on root motion next but there isn't any data for that. Gonna see If I can compute the feet velocity & generate motion to try to get this guy actually moving. Won't be long till he's #WebGL ready 4 every1
#ossos #threejs #webgl #gamedev
Stipped @KayLousberg 's Pete down to the bare essentials. Removed IK & Attachment bones plus the assets (helmet, sword, shield ) will be attached later by code. With this much working in #threejs & #ossos, later on in the evening I can start the animation sys rewrite.
Nothing special but #ossos now has an animation queue. Written in a way to be engine agnostic, so I can write things for #threejs or #BabylonJS with creating "tasks" for the respective engines...
A lil more progress on IK Bot's Arm. Not sure of it, but good enough for MK1. Like the idea I can keep attaching new spring links to make limbs of any number of bones plus shrink/expend aspect of each. This will be fun for #ossos ik dev work 😋
#metaverse #gamedev #b3d #blender #ossos
Working out how to render springs correctly in #threejs for IKBot & #ossos IK shenanigans. Regular scaling won't cut it, may need to write a custom shader & figure out some other way to deform the spring mesh. If there was a way to assign center point of each ring's vertices, I could scale that down as an "offset" to move the vertices as a way to retain it's shape.
#gamedev #math #blender #b3d
#b3d #blender #math #gamedev #ossos #threejs
Happy with version 2 of the Look / Aim IK solver I made for #ossos. Here's me controlling the IK Target while the Eye Lids animate. Next up model some arms 4 the bot & rewrite limbSolver. I'll show #code in subpost for the curious.
#threejs #gamedev #javascript #metaverse
#metaverse #javascript #gamedev #threejs #code #ossos