My #TarotCardoftheDay is King of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot
I’d been working on something pretty big over the past couple of weeks that would have had what I thought would be a very positive impact on my present and future circumstances. It would have been a big step for me, and the culmination of and I suppose reward for 30 years of hard work and personal struggle. But it was not to be. By the end of the day yesterday, my dreams evaporated in a cloud. I sunk pretty deep and retreated into sadness and despair. I woke up feeling pretty much the same, but as I moved through my morning, new ideas were hatching. The path I wanted isn’t achievable, but there are other paths.
The Kind of Swords is telling me to cut through the BS of those thoughts, of that sadness. He is straight and to the point, and suffers no fools, even himself. He is honest to a fault. And he is focused. I’m reminded to not wallow, to not let emotion get in my way. That will only hamper whatever progress is available to me. There is a path forward, it’s just not the one I thought I was on. And that’s ok. It’s not time to give up. Keep my head clear so that I can see what lays ahead with logic and precision.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
Did my best to collect my thoughts on the annual "#Easter / #Ishtar discourse (always a day late and a dollar short...)
I lay out the evidence for why there's more behind the meme than people realize, and the Indo-European reconstruction doesn't work:
#paganism #pagan #polytheism #ostara #ishtar #Easter
Ostara is a holiday that celebrates the spring equinox and the return of longer, sunnier days. One fun fact about Ostara is that it is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre, who was often depicted with a hare or rabbit. This may be where the tradition of the Easter Bunny comes from, as the Christian holiday of Easter often falls close to the time of Ostara.
#Ostara #SpringEquinox #Eostre #GermanicGoddess #EasterBunny #Traditions #FunFacts
#ostara #springequinox #eostre #germanicgoddess #easterbunny #traditions #funfacts
Achievement unlocked: Pagan minister leads Easter Sunday service for local church.
The sermon included mention of chocolate bunnies, rainbow-colored eggs, jelly beans, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, #Eostre as goddess of Spring, the story of a bird reborn as a rabbit, and plenty of joy and hope.
I gave JC a break and left his name out of it, as I suspected he was tired of hearing it from too many other places today. 😀
#eostre #easter #pagan #ostara #easterbunny
💫🥚 Did you know (thx @aidancurran!)..
In #Irish, #Passover & #Easter share a word : Cáisc. So cool!
I like this extra bc I always chuckle at the #French for Passover : #Pâques Juive (lit. #Jewish #Easter) 😜
1) Storyline/order of #history that's off 🤔
2) The word Pâques comes from #Pesach! 🙌🏽
So, Beannachtaí na Cásca! Blessings for Pesach/Easter (*& the root of it ALL*, #Spring, #Ostara, #Oestre)! 💐
#Mazeldon #MastoDaoine #Gaeilge #language #linguistics #Nature #photography #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #photography #nature #linguistics #language #gaeilge #mastodaoine #mazeldon #oestre #ostara #spring #pesach #history #jewish #paques #french #Easter #passover #irish
New model just dropped! #peeps #easter #ostara keycard #My3DPrints
#Peeps #easter #ostara #my3dprints
🌸 Équinoxe de printemps 🌸
Joli printemps qui déboutonne les bourgeons, accompagne l'éclosion de mes rêves, tout en douceur, que mon coeur se réjouisse déjà de leurs premières saveurs.
#arbreenfleurs #cestleprintemps #eclosion #equinoxedeprintemps #ostara #noiretblanc #femmephotographe #femmeartiste #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #womanphotographer #womanartist #galembrun #launac #hautstolosans #toulouse #hautegaronne #occitanie #bloomingtree #itsspringtime
#itsspringtime #bloomingtree #occitanie #hautegaronne #toulouse #hautstolosans #launac #galembrun #womanartist #womanphotographer #blackandwhitephoto #blackandwhite #femmeartiste #femmephotographe #noiretblanc #ostara #equinoxedeprintemps #eclosion #cestleprintemps #arbreenfleurs
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Ace of Pentacles from the #Ostara #Tarot. Isn’t that just the cutest Ace of Pentacles you’ve ever seen?
I’m seeing “get back to the basics” here. I’ve had a good week, but there’s a lot on my plate, and if I’m not careful I’ll start spiraling and will lose the threads of what’s going on. A deep breath, a bit of water, nourishment, some movement, refocus. What’s the overriding goal here, and what am I doing that will get me there? Remove all that isn’t necessary and focus on what will get me to where I’m going. Protect myself from my own undoing, essentially. I’m a Pisces sun but I have a lot of Fire placements and I tend to burn myself out. I get kind of intense in a quiet way…..So, again, deep breaths, pace myself, remember the point of all of this.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
Am Samstag haben wir auf dem Thingplatz Mader Heide in #Gudensberg eine kleine Ostara Veranstaltung gemacht. Ich habe etwas über dieses Jahreskreisfest und die Göttin Ostara erzählt. Über ihren Hintergrund, über den man sich nicht einig ist und ein Ritual gab es im Anschluss auch dazu inkl. Meditation.
Es war ein ganz hervorragendes Wetter und die Blüten haben einen tolles Gesamtbild des Altars gegeben.
#Ostara #Veranstaltung #hexentum #hexe #Jahreskreisfest #altar
#gudensberg #ostara #Veranstaltung #hexentum #hexe #jahreskreisfest #altar
My #TarotCardoftheDay is once again Page of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot. Second day in a row. Today, it flew out of the deck, just wanting to be seen.
I misinterpreted the card yesterday. My day didn’t unfold as I’d expected, interview had to be rescheduled, no drama around me. Everything went really well, actually. I had some great meaningful conversations, got some important work done.
I’m in one of those places where things at both work and home are going really well. This I’ve learned is rare. Usually one or the other or both are not good. Over the past 3 years, it’s mostly been both. So this feels really good.
And so I think this card is telling me to take advantage of this feeling, this vibe, this energy. Move with it. Use it. Make things happen. Greet the day enthusiastically. Let those ideas move forward. Be inventive, be curious. Continue to have those conversations. This space doesn’t happen all the time, so I need to revel in it for now.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot
Happy belated Ostara ✨ to those who celebrate. I took the day off and the day after too 🍃 I spent my time celebrating with food and time in nature and journaling. Ready for the new phase that is being ushered in.
I also updated my altar for the season, here is the focal point.
If anyone can identify that heart shaped rock at the top, I'd love it. I found it hiking.
#spring #ostara #witch #WheelOfTheYear #newyear #crystals #rocks
#spring #ostara #witch #wheeloftheyear #newyear #crystals #rocks
My #TarotCardoftheDay is the Page of Swords from the #Ostara #Tarot.
Looks as if this will be a sort of #CarpeDiem kind of day. A day to think on my feet. I’ll have to watch out for impulsivity - think before speaking, don’t hit “send” before rereading that email a couple of times. I’ve actually had a couple of instances lately of beginning to take action based on what turned out to be false information, and so, given who I’ll be spending my day with (those who provided false information) I need to be on the alert. Watch the information that’s coming to me. I’m also interviewing someone today to work side by side with those who provided me with that false information… they could very well try to sabotage this potential new hire. They after all seem to be looking to cause problems……
One of the things I really hate are those “he said she said” situations…..even when I know who is more trustworthy, there’s little I can do. So i have to be on my toes today. Listen carefully. Speak carefully. Not a day to be impulsive.
#tarotcardoftheday #ostara #Tarot #carpediem
Migrated to a new account - reposting some pics from a #witchy #ostara #equinox celebration.
Excited for spring. Time for transformation and change.
#wheeloftheyear #witches #witchcraft #witchesofmastodon #Esoterica #spirituality
#witchy #ostara #equinox #wheeloftheyear #witches #witchcraft #witchesofmastodon #esoterica #spirituality
Happy #Ostara everyone! Yesterday was spent in celebration with sacred plants. I have touched grass and I hope you have too!
I'm planning on doing a creative content dump in the coming days, but in the meanwhile, I'm looking for other #bards and #poets who are cool that I'm a #transhuman #TechnoPagan doing an art project on the unification of humans and machines via AI #DawnOfTheMachineElves dedicated to #TerenceMcKenna
Terence McKenna was a major proponent of rave culture. Some people just gotta make some noise and get some attention! It's fine to recreate rave culture in your living room, so long as you can pay off your neighbours not to call the cops ;)
Overall, I'm a huge lover of art and nature.
#SpringEquinox #Cernunnos #paganism #polytheism #irishpagan #celticpagan #chaosmagick #discordian #dkmu #psychadelics
#ostara #bards #poets #transhuman #TechnoPagan #dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #springequinox #cernunnos #paganism #polytheism #IrishPagan #celticpagan #chaosmagick #discordian #DKMU #psychadelics
heres what ive spent my ostara making! i have a lovely pink pomegranete candle going for lady persephone and ive just been humming and flapping watching my new birdfeeder while i made this! :j #witchcraft #witch #ostara #pagan
#witchcraft #witch #ostara #pagan