骨折や骨粗鬆症になりやすい。 VitaminDは
日光浴, 豆乳, 豆腐, ミューズリーなどのシリアル,
#日焼け #日光紅斑 #日光皮膚炎 #皮膚がん
#日焼け止め #経皮毒 #VitaminD #日光浴
#Osteogenesis #OsteoRegenesis
#OsteoKatagma #Osteoporosis
#豆腐 #豆乳 #ミューズリー #キノコ #牛乳
#ミューズリー #豆腐 #osteoporosis #osteokatagma #osteoregenesis #osteogenesis #日光浴 #vitamind #皮膚がん #キノコ #豆乳 #牛乳 #経皮毒 #日焼け止め #日光皮膚炎 #日光紅斑 #日焼け
Hola Titánicos, cada 6 de mayo se celebra el día mundial de la Osteogénesis Imperfecta, más conocida como la enfermedad de los huesos de cristal afectando a medio millón de personas en todo el mundo, de las que 2700 están en España.
#OsteogénesisImperfecta #Osteogénesis #enfermedad #enfermedadesraras #disca #discapacidad #gentetitanica #huesosdecristal #enfermedadhuesosdecristal #salud #cuidados #prevencion #visibilidad #visibilizacion #gentetitanica #somosdisca #huesos #hueso #fractura #dolor #dolorcronico #wheelchair
#osteogenesisimperfecta #osteogenesis #enfermedad #enfermedadesraras #disca #discapacidad #gentetitanica #huesosdecristal #enfermedadhuesosdecristal #salud #cuidados #prevencion #visibilidad #visibilizacion #somosdisca #huesos #hueso #fractura #dolor #dolorcronico #wheelchair
Local implant of #BMP2-loaded GelMA hydrogel improves #Osteogenesis+#Angigoenesis in rat critical-size Mandibular defect
⏫type H CD31+Emcn+ vessel
⏫Perivascular Osx+ osteoprogenitor
⏫CD51+ #SkeletalStemCell
Dr. L. Qin & J. Xu labs Pharmaceutics 2022
#osteogenesis #SkeletalStemCell #Angigoenesis #BMP2
Featured in issue 23 of our anniversary year:
How delayed folding aids #protein secretion
Plant and mammalian #ubiquitin E3 #ligases against #bacterial #infection
#CryoEM glimpses at membrane pore formation and #ion transporters
#Autophagosomes in need of balanced #phospholipid composition
#Hypoxia promotes #osteogenesis by facilitating #mitochondria to
#nucleus communication
Cover by by Subhash Mehto, Kautilya Kumar Jena, Santosh Chauhan et al
#protein #Ubiquitin #ligases #bacterial #infection #cryoem #ion #autophagosomes #phospholipid #Hypoxia #osteogenesis #mitochondria #nucleus
Well I'm here to play in #cybersecurity and #business and stuff, but also testing out whether this platform can be fun or more #social than #professional or a healthy blend.
#About me:
10 years in tech/cyber. #CISSP certified with deep academic focus on cyber.
#cripple with #osteogenesis imperfecta type 1.
I'm a #leftist not a #liberal and engage in #political discourse when my #mentalhealth can handle it.
I have #kids #dogs and #cats and occasionally I like to do things like go #metaldetecting and #exploring the outdoors when I feel up to the activity.
#introduction #cybersecurity #business #social #professional #about #cissp #cripple #osteogenesis #leftist #liberal #political #mentalhealth #kids #dogs #cats #metaldetecting #exploring