#Osteria capitale
«#Viva la ricotta!». Questo è l’urlo che rimbomba tra le strade del centro della capitale e supera il fragore di vetrine rotte e porte sfondate. Sono i disoccupati di Roma
The post #Osteria capitale first appeared on il manifesto.
#Osteria capitale
"#Viva la ricotta!" This is the shout that echoes through the streets of the capital's centre and overcomes the din of broken shop windows and smashed doors. They are the unemployed of Rome
The post #Osteria capitale first appeared on il manifesto.
20-5-2023 0:1 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/osteria-capitale
Open for lunch, dinner, and late-night service, Scala Osteria offers traditional Southern Italian, seafood-centered recipes meant to be shared with family and friends.
We like that late-night service part.
Scala just opened in Napa, CA, Jan. 3, 2023.
#California #GiovanniScala #Napa #osteria #Restaurant #Scala #ScalaOsteria #seafood #SouthernItalian
#southernitalian #seafood #scalaosteria #scala #restaurant #osteria #napa #giovanniscala #California