"Bad news or no news? When losses are certain, investors opt to ignore their account." Our post-doc Matthew Hilchey on his research of the #ostricheffect.
What is the “ostrich effect”? And does making info easier to find help us fight our instincts to bury our heads in the sand?
Read on to find out: https://www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/insightshub/finance-investing-accounting/ostrich-effect
The Ostrich Effect: The truth we hide from ourselves | Ed Winters | TEDxLundUniversity (2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrVEYTSe-o8 #Veganism #EarthlingEd #EdWinters #Vegan #TEDx #OstrichEffect
#veganism #earthlinged #edwinters #vegan #tedx #ostricheffect