Joan Carroll · @joancarroll
583 followers · 4242 posts · Server
The Gaptangle · @gaptangle
3 followers · 7 posts · Server

New instance, new time.
We're the Gaptangle, a collective of large and fluctuating numbers. There are roughly 25 of us capable of fronting. The one you'll see the most right now is Ammonite. Others will, try to, remember to sign.
We're a not easily nameable flavor of anarchist, focused on loose networks of small independent communities and households. Different fronters' views won't be quite the same.
As much as we'd like to, we've never had the time to develop an extensive scientific background on our interests and theoretical background on our anarchism, plus reading gets more difficult as our mental stuff advances, but I am too determined to let it go yet. So just so you know, we're largely the hands in the dirt watch stuff happen and learn that way type.
We intend to do field recording in the future but didn't put it in the hashtags because we have no equipment, and I refuse to use it saying we do it when so far I've only recorded anything with my phone, since it's what I have right now. I have some pride OK lol
Some fast facts and qualities and miscellany:

of all kinds
(and all those lovely creepy creatures you think are bugs)

What is listening to you where you think no one is watching?
The question what would they say to you if they could let you know is too simple. Too simple by far. And somehow at the same time too complicated by far as well.

#intro #Introduction #plural #AuDHD #blind #madpride #pluralpunk #disabled #DisabilityRights #queer #trans #playlist #playlists #miniplaylist #Music #poetry #scifi #fantasy #speculative #reading #amwriting #gaming #audiogames #muds #ostriches #ratites #birds #insects #cetaceans #sound #acoustics #bioacoustics #brains #perception

Last updated 2 years ago

eth thorn · @snowlandia
23 followers · 25 posts · Server

the in seemed to me to be the best one i’ve been to, though i’m no expert at all
first, it looks like quite a spacious place for (except for pumas: i don’t remember a single calm puma ever, they always walk in circles being outrageously irritated)
second, animals are not separated by their species: e.g , and live in a large savanna pen, i hope they are unlikely to suffer from solitude
third, there is no one, who obviously suffer from local climate

#zoo #izmir #animals #giraffes #zebras #ostriches

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneFisher · @AnneTheWriter
1127 followers · 559 posts · Server

Now I can't NOT see it in the wood...

(It's again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to .)

#hootintootintuesday #mastodon #humor #humour #jokes #jokestodon #animals #ostrich #ostriches

Last updated 2 years ago

PatriciaPhotos · @PatriciaPhotos
157 followers · 807 posts · Server
Infrapink (he/his/him) · @Infrapink
78 followers · 830 posts · Server

The story my mum told me is that God told the to choose a king for themselves. The birds figured that since flying is their whole thing, their king should be whoever could fly the highest (so screw I guess).

The hung on to the , who flew higher than any other ... but then the wren nipped out and flew just that bit higher than the eagle. Since the wren technically flew the highest, he has been king of the birds ever since.

#birds #ostriches #wren #eagle #bird #ststephensday #wrenday

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
393 followers · 517 posts · Server

(Highlighted in Oct 21 issue of )
as many as 12 unrelated may lay eggs in one nest brooded by either sex. needed to ally with about to maximize . Females gained more from cooperation when clubbing together in larger groups of up to . Intermediate group sizes tended to reduce reproductive success in both males and females.

#sciencemagazine #female #ostriches #males #fourfemales #breedingsuccess #sixindividuals

Last updated 2 years ago

DecodïngTrolls · @decodingtrolls
3275 followers · 748 posts · Server

"" ate all the animals in the Yampolsky Zoo. While the settlement was under occupation, army ate , , and starved the camel and to death."

Back in April in Kharkhiv: Russian military stole vegetables intended for feeding animals in Feldman Ecopark. "Tonight they stole carrots, beets and cabbage from our animals. I have no emotions," deputy mayor Lysenko wrote.

#Ruschists #Ruschist #bison #deer #ostriches #wolves

Last updated 2 years ago

& news:

- Largest in the

- 20 escaped in

- Stunning arise decades after planting

- 📺Watch a wild chase tourist

- Saga of the 70lb

- still using labor

- return to the

- 📺 Rare & video

- 13 compared

- 10 deadliest ranked

These & more stories at:

Please boost/fav/follow 😁

#animal #Nature #bigcats #world #ostriches #alberta #patterns #tree #turkey #goldfish #hellofresh #illegal #primate #bison #osage #canadian #lynx #wolverine #feline #species #animals

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon · @wasootch
432 followers · 2341 posts · Server

"Adult ostriches weigh between 250 and 300 pounds."

I don't know how China rounded up the 80 escapees they had running through the streets. 😹

#ostriches #ostrich #alberta #taber #policechase #funny

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon · @wasootch
432 followers · 2341 posts · Server

According to:
"Ostriches can’t fly, but no birds can match their speed on land. Ostriches are the fastest running birds in the world! Scientists have seen ostriches run continuously at speeds of 30-37 mph and sprint up to 43 mph.

With their long, strong legs ostriches can cover more than 10 feet in a single stride." Go good luck in your chase Taber.

#alberta #ostrich #funfact #fast #ostriches

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon · @wasootch
432 followers · 2341 posts · Server

Speaking of , here's a photo I captured of a mother and her two babies in , . Wildlife Park.

#ostriches #ostrich #namibia #africa #etosha #photograph #birds #nature #photo

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon · @wasootch
389 followers · 2101 posts · Server

And if you liked that story, make sure to check out this one about 80 escaped ostriches in China.

#ostrich #funny #animals #birds #ostriches

Last updated 2 years ago

Eicke Tarkus · @EickeTarkus
109 followers · 50 posts · Server

Das ist der genialste LiveStream überhaupt!
Die Cam läuft 24/7 an einem kleinen künstlichen Wasserloch mitten in der Wüste Namib. Man kann 12 Stunden scrollen und viele faszinierende Tiere erleben.

Wer auf ca. 10:05 Ortszeit zurückscrollt, kann sehen, wie eine einzelne Oryx einen Pulk Strauße durch die Wüste jagt. 😂🤣

/ /

#namibia #namibwaterhole #livestream #wildlife #webcam #oryx #Strauße #ostriches #gnu #zebras #Schakal #jackal #namibcam

Last updated 2 years ago

: European countries have not rid themselves of the colonialist paradigm and continue living at others’ expense.

~My Impression is that, as far as European Countries are concerned, THESE ARE FORMER COLONIAL POWERS??~

You be the judge! Time to HEAR BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY.

* We are not



* USA invasion into Russia VIA PROXY WARS!

* Stop sending MONEY (billions) to Ukraine when we have an explosion of Domestic Terrorism in our own back yards!??

* Stop sending weapons of Mass destruction to Ukraine SUPPORTING OIL companies.

Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.


Last updated 2 years ago