@retrakker oh interesting. I wanted to try this route back in the #OSVR days but I figured we'd need to, essentially, train models for lower tech hardware using tracking data from more expensive (i.e. higher frequency, more accurate) and by time-shifting training data to get some behavior prediction in the model
@lispi314@mastodon.top @g Yeah, unfortunately #OSVR died when Sensics died. But we contributed to the #OpenXR standard before we went out of business. It doesn't support as much as OSVR did (I implemented the standardized skeletal tracking plugins based on the HAnim standard for example, and we had an eye tracking standard as well), but it's a good start.
@lispi314@mastodon.top @g I often wonder what would have happened if murder drone Hawaiian shirt guy hadn't blocked open #VR standards in the early days, and if Unity hadn't tried to play hardware kingmaker by blocking headsets, whether we would have had an explosion of open hardware and software options for #VR today, instead of 2.1 options (with #PCVR being the .1 option). I worked hard for #OSVR and #OpenXR to succeed, but the latter came too late to save the industry from the rent seekers