#Ancient #Egypt had a perception of their place in history superior to the Ancient Greeks. The Egyptians believe in the #immortality of the soul; they preserved the royal corpses for #millennia on end; they kept meticulous records of the names and years of their kings going back centuries.
Classical #Greece did none of this; nor did they even have a word in their vernacular for an âhourâ or any other precise fraction of a day.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler #greece #millennia #immortality #egypt #ancient
This stands in contrast to Frederick the Great, who wrote his memoirs comparing the geopolitics of his contemporaries to the rise of Macedon during the career of Philip.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
Consider how Thucydides wrote, in the antiquities he authored, that nothing of note had transpired before his own lifetime!
Thucydides, as talented a general and statesman as he was, wrote only from the perspective of his own life experience; and the same was true for Polybius and Tacitus.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
âFor whom is there history?â
Ancient man had no conception of the vastness of time, the significance of the past and its implications for the future.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
The key phrase is âthe eyes by which and through which this world is realizedâ.
He seems be saying that a person who is alert to the spiritual forces behind history is equipped to leave a legacy; to act, in some small way, upon history, and not merely be acted upon by it.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
#Spengler #OswaldSpengler
Here he finally gets to the meat of the argument: what precisely is the merit of the Taoist, Spiritualist view of historical unfoldings versus the rationalistic view? The difference between these two epistemologies seems to be an aspirational one. Itâs a matter of ethos. He seems to be suggesting that one should strive to be the sort of person who views the world through the âidea of destinyâ.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
#Spengler #OswaldSpengler
âMathematics and the principle of Causality lead to a naturalistic, Chronology and the idea of Destiny to a historical ordering of the phenomenal world. Both orderings, each on its own account, cover the whole world. The difference is only in the eyes by which and through which this world is realized.â
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
#Spengler #OswaldSpengler
âSuch a âpragmaticâ handling of history would be nothing but a piece of ânatural historyâ in disguise.... What concerns us is not what the historical facts which appear at this or that time are, per se, but what they signify, what they point to, by appearing.â
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
In #TheDeclineOfTheWest he seems to be saying that for living things, especially living things as timeless as nations and cultures, analogy is just as precise, just as accurate, just as truthful as mathematical reasoning - if not more so. He seems to be saying that nations and cultures canât be understood through mathematical rigor. He will be redoubling emphasis on the shortfallings of scientific reasoning, soon.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
He seems to believe that the maturity of West European-American culture is, in fact, prima facie evidence that autumn, and winter, is coming.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
#Oswald first started this work in the years leading up to the onset of #WWI. Here, he refers to the decline as âthe still untraveled stagesâ of âWest European-Americanâ culture.
He says that West European-American culture is âthe only Cultureâ that is âin the phase of fulfillmentâ. At that time, the West was the only culture in its summer period, in full bloom.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler #wwi #oswald
In #Spengler #OswaldSpengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest, cultures and civilizations are frequently described in seasonal terms, as being in their âspringâ, âsummerâ, âautumnâ or âwinterâ. Natural metaphors abound.
From the title of the work, one is prompted to ask, in what sense is the West in decline? The first paragraph here is a hint that the West was not, in fact, in a visible state of decline.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
The reason Iâm thinking about this just now is because in the opening pages of #Spengler #OswaldSpengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest , he seems to be admitting proudly that his view of history is mystical and anti-scientific. He is not interested in explaining history as a logical succession of tangible causes and effects; he instead seems to want to infer some hidden higher-order spiritual truths about history, which he believes actually drive history.
Iâll be commenting on this more.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
This seems to be consistent with Spenglerâs own views on history and the purpose for studying it. Spengler will later elaborate at length on how different nations and cultures recorded history from their own perspective - and why some nations had no recorded history at all. #Spengler #OswaldSpengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler
#TheDeclineOfTheWest by #Spengler #OswaldSpengler
Spengler, with his own cultural biases, attempted to classify European and Near East civilization into three categories: âApollonianâ, classical Greco-Roman civilization, âMagianâ (Abrahamic religions) and âFaustianâ (modern rationalistic).
#oswaldspengler #spengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest
#TheDeclineOfTheWest by #Spengler #OswaldSpengler
This #introduction begins by highlighting that the word âDeclineâ in the title of the original work could be mis-understood as instead referring to a âDownfallâ. The original work was published immediately in the aftermath of #WWI and most of the #German audience, glancing at the cover, believed that the book was about the âDownfallâ of the West, as embodied by #Germany. Needless to say it sold lots of copies.
#germany #german #wwi #introduction #oswaldspengler #spengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest
#TheDeclineOfTheWest by #Spengler #OswaldSpengler
This #introduction begins by highlighting that the word âDeclineâ in the title of the original work could be mis-understood as instead referring to a âDownfallâ. The original work was published immediately in the aftermath of WWI and most of the German audience, glancing at the cover, believed that the book was about the âDownfallâ of the West, as embodied by Germany. Needless to say it sold lots of copies.
#introduction #oswaldspengler #spengler #TheDeclineOfTheWest
"lehen ez zitzaion inori askatasunez #pentsatzen uzten; orain baimenduta dago, baina ez da inor pentsatzera ausartzen; gaur egun, jendeak, ustez pentsatu behar duena besterik ez du pentsatu nahi eta, horri, #askatasuna deitzen diote"
#OswaldSpengler - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Spengler-, #LogosQuotes-bidez
#pentsatzen #askatasuna #oswaldspengler #logosquotes #askepentsatu