Actually, here's an updated list of my con appearances this year, I forgot some of them in my last post:
July 14-16 @ Montreal ComicCon (MTL, QC)
July 28-30 @ Maple Gel Con (Toronto, ON)
August 11-13 @ Otakuthon (MTL, QC)
September 17-18 @ Animaracon (Sherbrooke, QC)
October 7-8 @ Quebec ComicCon (Quebec City, QC)
And then probably another one I forgot, what even is con season?
#MapleGelCon #Otakuthon #AnimaraCon #MontrealComicCon #QuebecComicCon
#maplegelcon #otakuthon #animaracon #montrealcomiccon #quebeccomiccon
Hiya! Here's a quick list of my con appearances this year.
July 28 - 30 @ Maple Gel Con, Toronto, ON
August 11 - 13 @ Otakuthon, Montreal, QC
September 17 - 18 @ Animaracon, Sherbrooke, QC
I would say I'm also streaming from time to time, but my schedule is making con merch until the end of summer, so not really. Thank god I finished Tears of the Kingdom.
Anyways, thank you and have a great day!
#maplegel #otakuthon #animaracon
RT Hello all! I have an extra otakuthon badge for sale since my friend has injured herself and can't go. It's for the entire weekend. If you know anyone who is looking for badges please msg me or!
RTs appreciated!