If you want to know the OTA TV channels available in your area in Canada and USA, I suggest TV Fool.

Si vous souhaitez connaître les chaînes télé OTA dans votre région, je suggère TV Fool (site en anglais).


#cordcutter #television #otatv

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil Gastwirth :imagination: · @PhilGastwirth
105 followers · 223 posts · Server worldkey.io

OTA TV is weird. You would think that these channels would want to be viewable online/streaming. Use location services to determine you are in the viewable area. But no, we have to use wireless signals and the user needs some sort of antenna. In my area a HUGE antenna. You would think they would want as many viewers as possible to get AD revenue. I would think streaming would offer more definitive viewer count also.

#tv #Tech #otatv #ota

Last updated 2 years ago