All Dragons Are Beautiful #alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #dragonki
#dragonki #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Hi, I would like two more alterhuman beta readers for my science fantasy project that I'm working on, I'll give you a brief description of what the project is about, so you know what you're getting into.
Taking place In the aftermath of a great war spanning the multiverse between a species of temporal draconic entities known as the dragons of time and a dark eldritch entity known as the Beast, Kinoc-Kayfar, a dragon of time himself, becomes trapped in a mysterious universe. Now desperate to reunite with his people, he must make strange alliances, encounter civilizations across time and space, and fight deadly monsters to make it back home. #alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #dragonkin
#dragonkin #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Draconic Sanctuary Discord link Read image first
#alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #dragonkin
#dragonkin #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Dragon of Time advert. Read image first
#alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #dragonkin
#dragonkin #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Draconic Sanctuary Discord link Read image first
#alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #dragonkin
#dragonkin #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Otherkin are oppressed #alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #therian
#therian #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
Let's start 2022 by creating a mass alter human movement bent on spreading awareness and acceptance to alterhumans of all shapes and sizes
#alterhuman #otherkin #otherkintwt #therian
#therian #otherkintwt #otherkin #alterhuman
reminder that nonhumanity is not an experience that is set in stone and everyone's path to discovering themselves varies greatly. anyone saying that there's "one true way" is probably someone you don't wanna chill with.
#otherkintwt #therian #otherkin
#otherkintwt #therian #otherkin