#otoge My Switch just showed me that Lover Pretend only took around 10 hours to complete, which puts it at half the length of pretty much all other Otomate VNs I've read. 🤔 No wonder it was over so soon and felt rushed. (To be fair, I don't think it would have improved with more time since it focused so one-sidedly on the men's interests...)
#otoge This is most evident in some unfocused epilogues that chain like five scenes together rather than emotionally committing to one. The relatively large amount of unlockable side stories also had nothing to offer. Considering the screenplay writer element of the game, all of this is very ironic.
All in all, a decent filler best bought at a discount, but no must play.
#otoge Finished the game, very lukewarm overall. It's a rare case of an otoge that neither charmed nor annoyed me, i.e. it's the equivalent of a mediocre romcom film you sit down with one evening with your brain turned off, then move on from without looking back.
The setting is a nice change, but the writing in the individual routes felt uninspired, one-sided and often made the impression of just going through the motions.
#otoge The fake dating part often doesn't feel necessary and all the bad ends seem tacked on rather than offering anything of value.
I left Riku's route for last since he's truly charmed me in the common route, and I heard his route is the most balanced overall! Can't wait to get home to play.
#otoge Had a blast with the common route, what a lovely combination of showbiz, personal ambitions/career, comedy/romance and a dash of mystery!
Three routes later, I still have a decent time, but neither the romances nor the characters are memorable. The relationship progression seems both too quick and unbalanced; it feels like the individual routes are all about the guys, whereas the common route's forte was the protagonist.
THERE IS A NENDO COMING OUT FOR #AMNESIA AND IT'S MY DARLING SHIN OMFG!!! omg the time has finally come for #OtomeGame nendos!!! ;_; (I'm looking forward to the #TearsOfThemis ones too!)
#amnesia #otomegame #tearsofthemis #otoge
Got my copy of #LoverPretend early! Gosh the character designs and UI's signature colours are so lovely, and all the swirly decorative fonts and icons make me so happy! 💖 (The main font could stand to be thicker though.)
I love that Otomate's UI designs are always something to look forward to. Otome games are a real treat for the senses. 🥰🥰
#loverpretend #otomegame #otoge
Every time I think it's time to give #vns and #otoge a rest for a while so I can focus on other games, I inevitably end up being the usual amount of exhausted from daily life that I long to withdraw to bed with a handheld VN. 🙃
I finished the Amnesia fandiscs a while ago. Guess I'll wait and see if Even If TEMPEST goes on sale for Black Friday. Looks like a bunch of otoge localized by Aksys are already discounted in PAL regions though! For anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/yy6dab/nintendo_switch_black_friday_sale_for_ukau/
Goodness, I started and finished four #vns this month (Birushana, Fatal Twelve, Amnesia: Later, and Murder by Numbers kinda counts) and played two short indie games. Torn between "need to stop reading VNs so I can read books or play JRPGs"/"NO MORE VNS" and "I want to play all the new otoge releases" these months tbh.
I really need to get back to Trails of Cold Steel IV from July before it sits around too long and never gets finished, but I dread it...
#otoge #birushana When the first route of the game turns out to be one of the best you've played in any otoge and you're not ready to move on 😭😭❤️
#otoge Started Birushana!! Aah all the beautiful sprites and movements in battle, and the excellent characterization and smooth, immersive writing from the get-go... Truly the work of the master(s?) behind Nightshade. 😭 I'm so excited to play it!!