Part 2 of the stable isotope project will be analyzing sea catfish #otoliths using carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses
Otoliths are calcium carbonate structures or “stones” in the inner ear of most fish 🐠
The sea catfish otoliths are very round, but you can also get different shapes like this #dageraad
The goal is to determine the season of catch and to reconstruct body size
#otoliths #dageraad #fishfriday #archaeology #zooarchaeology #scicomm
Working on submitting destructive sampling permits for #StableIsotope analysis of #CapeFurSeal tooth enamel, fish #otoliths and bone collagen.
Here is the seal plan: 🦭
Comparing carbon and oxygen SI of #MiddleStoneAge seals from #KlasiesRiverMainSite and #BlombosCave with #LateStoneAge seals from #Hoffman’s/Robberg and #NelsonBayCave
Planning to compare the archaeological samples with present day seal populations to see if the #foraging environments have changed.
#archaeology #zooarchaeology
#stableisotope #capefurseal #otoliths #MiddleStoneAge #KlasiesRiverMainSite #BlombosCave #LateStoneAge #hoffman #nelsonbaycave #foraging #archaeology #zooarchaeology
At the moment this site feels a little like the awkward first days of a #conference where you don't really know anyone and are wondering what the etiquette is.. At some point the posters will go up and the refreshments will come out...
Feel free to sidle up (follow) - especially if you have interests in:
#conference #Isotopes #otoliths #fish #ecology #ecophysiology #metabolism #guitar #sortingrcodeforme
@CliveTrue Yup! I worked with #otoliths to study age-structure impacts of MPAs on groundfish for my MS and working on a #paleo otolith project currently, looking at holocene #otoliths of gadoids
Hi all, #Introduction time! Im an aquatic ecologist working in water science in rainy #Canberra Australia. My #phd was on freshwater fish early life history, with lots of time fiddling with #otoliths of a really cool fish, Mogurnda adspersa. My interests include #rstats #datavis and data science in general. Pic is of a small native fish in the Canberra region, Galaxias olidus. For more: #sciencemastodon
#ScienceMastodon #datavis #rstats #otoliths #phd #canberra #introduction