New Tinnitus Therapy Can Quiet Torturous Ringing in the Ears
'Constant buzzing and ringing in the ears without any input from the external environment can seriously impair quality of life for the 10 percent of people with tinnitus in the U.S. who have a severe form of the condition. A combination treatment using sound and electrical stimulation may now give hope to sufferers'
#Tinnitus #otology #Health #medicine #Science
This is potentially awesome, life-changing news for anyone afflicted with #NerveDeafness ... It may have come along too late in life to help me, since it's still in the preliminary-research phase. But this made me very happy to read about! [Tip o'the hat to @researchbuzz for the news!]
#deaf #disability #hearing #otology #audiology
#nervedeafness #deaf #disability #hearing #otology #audiology