@bikeottawa Gotta use those hashtags to find your people #biketooter #ottawabiking #ottawabikepaths #ottawa #bicycleinfrastructure #bicycling #bicycles
#BikeTooter #ottawabiking #ottawabikepaths #ottawa #bicycleinfrastructure #bicycling #bicycles
Hey #OttBike does anyone know if there are bike racks at the base of the Parliament Hill steps? #Ottawa #OttawaBikePaths
#ottawabikepaths #ottawa #ottbike
Home from our 30 km bike ride on this lovely spring day… we roads mostly along the #ottawaBikePaths to get to the #fletcherwildlifegarden .
We by passed the #ottawaTulipFestival en route- it was busy! Stopping at #dairyQueen on our way home refueled my brain!
#ottawabikepaths #fletcherwildlifegarden #ottawatulipfestival #dairyqueen