24. Geburtstag!
Am 1.3.1999 trat die „Ottawa-Konvention“ in Kraft. Sie verbietet Einsatz, Lagerung, Herstellung, Weitergabe von #Antipersonenminen. 164 Staaten haben den völkerrechtlichen Vertrag ratifiziert.
Wichtiger Baustein für den #Frieden! #OttawaConvention #MineBanTreaty
#antipersonenminen #frieden #ottawaconvention #minebantreaty
Content note - I am still trying to figure out a "voice" on here, even as I'm trying to figure out who else is here and what they're saying and listening to and interested in.
I do feel strongly about the progress made by the #OttawaConvention in 25 years. We've done so very much, there is still a lot to be done, working for a #MineFreeWorld
I did #landmines for 3 years @ HQ - but also remember forest roads in #BiH with "Danger! Mines!" signs.
#ottawaconvention #minefreeworld #landmines #bih
On 3 December, 1997, the world came together in Ottawa with a common goal to achieve a world free of anti-personnel landmines. #Canada played a pivotal role in the political process that led to the adoption of the Convention.
In the 25 years since its adoption, 164 countries have joined the #OttawaConvention, making it one of the most successful and universally adhered-to international disarmament treaties in history.
#landmines #disarmament #MineFreeWorld
📷 Dave Chan
#canada #ottawaconvention #landmines #disarmament #minefreeworld
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention is a key #disarmament instrument. Its integrity, full implementation & strict application must be guaranteed, and universal adherence must be pursued. We call on all States that have not yet done so to join the Treaty 📄
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1539268316677685255
#disarmament #ottawaconvention
It is essential to support victims.
At today's #ottawaconvention inter-sessional meeting we 🇪🇺 welcomed the focus on rehabilitation & stressed the importance of working w/ assistance orgs. and national authorities to integrate #victimassistance at the national level.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1538894349148295168
#ottawaconvention #victimassistance