RT @Gouviles
Ce vendredi 10/03 16h-18h, nous recevons Hayri Özkoray @telemme et Elisabetta Borromeo @CETOBaC_lab pour parler de transinsularités ottomanes #OttomanHistory #IslandStudies . A suivre sur place @UTJeanJaures @Framespa5136 ou en ligne sur Zoom https://gouviles.hypotheses.org/745
#ottomanhistory #IslandStudies
#OnlineCourse Introduction to #OttomanHistory organized by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East for students at Finnish universities and Finnish students studying abroad. Application deadline tomorrow!
Ph.D. Studentship at Cambridge on an amazing subject:
#Ottoman Auralities and the Eastern #Mediterranean: Sound, Media and Power, 1789-1922
Opened by Peter McMurray and the great Nazan Maksudyan
#academicjobs #ottoman #mediterranean #musichistory #ottomanhistory
Excited to use images curated and interpreted by @bramhubbell for @LiberatingNarratives tonight with a tutoring student or two. Terrific suggestions for @teachworldhistory #WorldHistory #OttomanHistory