We wrote up a brief review of the 2023 #OTW election and took a look at how the statements Anh, Jennifer, Kathryn, Qiao, and Zixin made as candidates might guide the new Board in addressing our goals:
On Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/726465603305684992/2023-otw-board-election-review
On Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/8599.html
Results of the 2023 #OTW Board Election: https://www.transformativeworks.org/result-of-the-2023-board-election/
The #OTW Board election ends in eight and a half hours!
Here's the official countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20230814T235959&p0=1440&msg=Voting+Ends+for+2023+OTW+Election
Signal boost of "A pattern of dismissal and retaliation: the experiences of Zixin Z. and the Chinese volunteers" by fandomantiracism, and our statement of support for Zixin Z and the #OTW volunteers impacted by Sinophobic racism: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/725479578569768960/we-want-to-uplift-the-voices-who-have-spoken-out
The 2023 #OTW election is open! Here's an official countdown (via the OTW) to when the polls will close: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20230814T235959&p0=1440&msg=Voting+Ends+for+2023+OTW+Election
The 2023 #OTW Board election has opened and will run through August 14, 23:59 UTC. Every OTW member who joined between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 should have a ballot by now. If you didn't get one, check your spam folder first, then visit OTW News for what to do next: https://www.transformativeworks.org/2023-otw-board-voting-now-open/
We've published our questions for the #OTW Board candidates over on Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/725268274550554624/questions-for-the-otw-board-candidates
The #OTW Candidate Chat transcripts have been posted!
Get all the details at Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/725200924912582656/otw-candidate-chat-transcripts
Or at Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/7689.html
We've had reports of the voting information email from #OTW Elections sent on July 22-23 not reaching all recipients. Visit OTW News for instructions on what to do if that's happened to you. #VoteToEndOTWRacism https://www.transformativeworks.org/2023-voters-check-your-email-for-voting-instructions/
I’m starting to look into #squidgeworld !
I think, despite all of the #OTW drama, what’s really motivating me to migrate or back up my fics is just…redundancy. Ao3’s recent outage was a pretty harsh reminder that centralizing fandom in one place can draw some unpleasant attention or unwanted effects. I do have Google Drive backups, and if Google goes down I’m a little bit screwed. But I’ve got free time, so I’m gonna see how it goes.
Two weeks ago we uplifted two posts from Dhobi ki Kutti, a fan of color and #OTW volunteer, that recount the retaliation she's experienced at the hands of OTW leadership for speaking out against racism within the organization. We support Dhobi ki Kutti in her efforts and continue to amplify her voice.
Read more at Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/724835477109243904/update-signal-boost-dhobi-ki-kutti
Or at Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/7326.html
https://fandomantiracism.tumblr.com/post/724325873259528192/a-pattern-of-dismissal-and-retaliation-the good roundup of the past and current cvol mistreatment shitshow #otw #otwelections
At this time, all members of the #OTW who are eligible to vote in the August election should have received an email linking to the voting instructions for 2023.
Learn more at OTW News: https://www.transformativeworks.org/2023-voters-check-your-email-for-voting-instructions/
lol I can tell what days I found some great #fanfiction 👀😆😍 #OTW #AO3 (PS I know I should be watching Good Omens this weekend but this 200k fic hooked me harder)(PPS don't judge me on Insta - there's a lot this platform offers)
Zixin's response illustrates how high the stakes are for volunteers working in mainland China. Kutti's post itself also summarizes some (just some!) of the systemic racism she's experience during her time in the #OTW. Other people have said this far more eloquently than me, but the OTW has a massive problem with systemic racism and (as the retaliation against Kutti shows) astonishing levels of white fragility. And I say this as just a random white fan.
During the first round of #OTW candidate chats Zixin was asked a series of malicious anonymous questions, including one so racist that the Elections committee chose to publicly redact it. Kutti has (with Zixin's permission) posted the redacted question and Zixin's response on DW in an ETA to this post: https://dhobikikutti.dreamwidth.org/135655.html
As kutti says in the comments, Zixin's response is "brilliantly eloquent proof of how high the stakes are here, and what we are fighting for."
The #OTW Board election on August 11-14 is now uncontested with five candidates and five open positions on the Board, but it’s still important to vote, as OTW members will elect three candidates to serve a full term (3 years) and two candidates to serve partial terms. Whoever gets the most votes will serve the longer terms, so we encourage everyone who’s eligible to vote to do so! #VoteToEndOTWRacism
For more information on voting: https://elections.transformativeworks.org/voting/
The first #OTW Candidate Chat with Anh P., Kathryn S., and Zixin Z., will be held Saturday, July 29, from 01:00 UTC to 02:30 UTC. For some of us that's actually today, July 28! Find out what time that is for you here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=2023+Candidate+Chat+-+Anh+P.%2C+Kathryn+S.+Zixin+Z&iso=20230729T01&p1=1440&ah=1&am=30
To learn more about these chats and the election visit our Tumblr: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/724117062246711296/otw-candidate-chat-1-happening-soon
Or our Dreamwidth: https://endotwracism.dreamwidth.org/6615.html