ICYMI our season 4 finale #podcast episode went live on Friday. We're visiting Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk to take a look at Giant Dipper, California's oldest surviving wooden roller coaster. The ride has so much history to talk about, it's a great way to end our season with you.
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#RollerCoasters #Coasters #California #WoodenCoasters #GiantDipper #ThemeParks #OUAC #boardwalk
#podcast #rollercoasters #coasters #california #woodencoasters #giantdipper #themeparks #ouac #boardwalk
We're visiting @sixflagsfiestatexas on our episode today to look at the giant that was once Rattler. Big, bad, beautiful.....and doomed.
Easily one of our favorite episodes ever, you won't believe some of the stories that come out of this gal!
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#rollerCoaster #rollerCoasters #coasters #coasterenthusiasts #podcast #ThemeParks #onceUponACoasterPod #OUAC #texas #fiestaTexas #SixFlags
#rollercoaster #rollercoasters #coasters #coasterenthusiasts #podcast #themeparks #onceuponacoasterpod #ouac #texas #fiestatexas #sixflags