Katie and Cindy and I just watched the #OnceUponATime series finale. That means Wednesday's #OUaTrevisit will be The End!
Welcome back to #OUaTrevisit. We have eighteen Season 7 episodes down, with six to go. That’s just three more weeks! This week sees the end of the Candy Killer while KellyZelena reconciles with Chad.
Don't forget to check out Cindy's (@cstephens2) and Katie's (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) #OnceUponATime revisit posts!
#OUaTrevisit is back after a week away! Let’s check in on our favorite unnecessary continuation of a completed story.
Don't forget to check out Cindy's (@cstephens2) and Katie's (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) #OnceUponATime revisit posts!
Just a quick reminder that #OUaTrevisit is off this week. Check back next Wednesday for the next two revisited #OnceUponATime episodes by @metzger_katie@twitter.com, @cstephens2, and me.
Welcome to #OUaTrevisit Wednesdays! We’re well into the back half of the final season and … we’re still introducing new random characters instead of using the literal pantheon of established ones.
Note: We’ll be taking next week off and will resume Revisiting in two weeks, on July 19.
Check out Katie's (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy's (@cstephens2) revisit write-ups too!
This week's completely amazing #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds guest stars Adelaide Kane, who #OnceUponATime fans may remember as IvyDrizella in season 7. #OUaTrevisit
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #onceuponatime #ouatrevisit
Did you correctly guess the Shocking Twists and Surprising Backstories from this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes? I didn't, but honestly, I'm half-checked out now. #OUaTrevisit
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Cindy's (@cstephens2) and Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) posts!
I’m late, I’m late! Just in time to (re)-enter Wonderland, I’m channeling the always-delayed White Rabbit by posting my #OUaTrevisit piece a day late.
This week: We find Eloise. We find Alice. We find Jack. We’re doing the very slow plot reveal. We’re getting drawn in despite ourselves.
Don’t forget to read Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too!
I was a bit more engaged with this week’s #OnceUponATime episodes than last week’s, but I’m mostly just interested in how these stories are going to wrap up. Will Lucy succeed in getting Henry to believe and wake up? What happens if she does? Will Ivy/Drizella get her comeuppance or will she earn herself a Regina-esque happy ending? #OUaTrevisit
Also check out Cindy's and Katie's posts!
This is not what I want from my entertainment, and I’m not at all surprised that this was the final #OnceUponATime season. That said, if we could have had a spinoff season about Rumple’s quest to rid himself of the Dark Dagger of Supreme Darkness, I’d have watched it.
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Cindy's (@cstephens2) and Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) posts too! #OUaTrevisit
Welcome to #OUaTrevisit, where this week we're taking a look back at #OnceUponATime season seven, episodes one and two.
Quick summary: Based on the first two episodes, I’m not sorry we’re in the final season.
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too!
It's Wednesday, May 17, almost exactly six years after the #OnceUponATime season six finale two-parter originally aired. Not the series finale, but a startlingly good imitation of one. Check out my #OUaTrevisit at https://smartwatermelon.medium.com/ouatrevisit-s6-e21-22-50e6b649a3c8 and don't forget to read Cindy's (@cstephens2) and Katie's (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) too!
Last weekend was a (very rare) in-person meet for the #OUaTrevisit team! Naturally, we embarked on a treacherous voyage to another land. Don’t forget to read Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too!
For the first time in forever, the #OnceUponATime writers have realized we're interested in the stories and characters that got us to the middle of season 6 -- not the random side stories they introduced at the start of this season. I especially love Regina’s continuing journey from Evil Queen to, you know, a complicated, conflicted person who is nonetheless trying to do the right thing.
Don't miss my fellow #OUaTrevisit team members' recaps: @cstephens2 @metzger_katie@twitter.com
In this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes: The Evil Queen sneers and glowers, The Dark One growls and threatens, and Our Heroes make bold statements, but nothing really happens. #OUaTrevisit
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Cindy’s (@cstephens2) and Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) posts too!
This week in #OUaTrevisit: The showrunners remembered we're in season six of a long-running ensemble drama, not an anthology of brand-new stories with brand-new randos every week! In other words, apart from a side quest featuring the World's Worst Thief, we got back to the stuff we care about.
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Cindy’s (@cstephens2) and Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) posts too!
In this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes, we're hanging out with more people from the Land Of We Forgot We Have A Main Cast.
Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too! #OUaTrevisit
In this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes, we're hanging out with more people from the Land Of We Forgot We Have A Main Cast. Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too! #OUaTrevisit https://smartwatermelon.medium.com/ouatrevisit-s6-e5-6-4cca5f116679
In this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes, we're hanging out with more people from the Land Of We Forgot We Have A Main Cast. Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too! #OUaTrevisit https://smartwatermelon.medium.com/ouatrevisit-s6-e5-6-4cca5f116679
In this week's pair of #OnceUponATime episodes, we're hanging out with more people from the Land Of We Forgot We Have A Main Cast. Don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s (@metzger_katie@twitter.com) and Cindy’s (@cstephens2) posts too! #OUaTrevisit https://smartwatermelon.medium.com/ouatrevisit-s6-e5-6-4cca5f116679