Storygirljo · @Storygirljo
17 followers · 194 posts · Server

True unity can only exist in a context of equity. It’s impossible to embrace someone if you are standing two (or more!) steps above them. Even more difficult if some are relegated to a separate enclosure or a deep hole

#oubliette #unity #inclusion

Last updated 1 year ago

Thiago Carvalho · @cyrilpedia
1701 followers · 8477 posts · Server

Oubliette Exhibition at Biblioteca Camoes, Lisbon (Largo do Calhariz, 17). Show runs until the end of June (AKA Tomorrow!).

"The Pignerol Gates. (Rome, circa 1760).
Oubliettes have only one entrance – frequently a trap door on the roof, as was by all contemporary accounts the case of the Pignerol cell. They were constructed so that men could be literally thrown away and forgotten. In Pignerol we know for certain that the gate opened once in 1631 and then again in 1670. The plates you see here were etched in 18th century Rome, by an unknown hand, working from the sketches produced by the guards (the documents were then in the Vatican’s possession, they were transferred to Napoleon by Pius VII and are now in the Archives Nationales)."
Prof. Horst Manfrenjensenden, Ph.D.
Head of Collections, von Willebrand Trust.


@anaanajottajotta @consta_arouca @madparreira@jorgenesbitt

#art #print #printmaking #etching #handmade #cartography #oubliette #artstagram

Last updated 1 year ago

Thiago Carvalho · @cyrilpedia
1701 followers · 8477 posts · Server

Oubliette" Exhibition at Biblioteca Camoes, Lisbon (Largo do Calhariz, 17). Show runs until the end of June (AKA Tomorrow!).

"The Pignerol Gates. (Rome, circa 1760).
Oubliettes have only one entrance – frequently a trap door on the roof, as was by all contemporary accounts the case of the Pignerol cell. They were constructed so that men could be literally thrown away and forgotten. In Pignerol we know for certain that the gate opened once in 1631 and then again in 1670. The plates you see here were etched in 18th century Rome, by an unknown hand, working from the sketches produced by the guards (the documents were then in the Vatican’s possession, they were transferred to Napoleon by Pius VII and are now in the Archives Nationales)."
Prof. Horst Manfrenjensenden, Ph.D.
Head of Collections, von Willebrand Trust.


@anaanajottajotta @consta_arouca @madparreira@jorgenesbitt

#printmaking #etching #handmade #cartography #oubliette #artstagram #art #print

Last updated 1 year ago

Thiago Carvalho · @cyrilpedia
1699 followers · 8424 posts · Server

"The Outer Hebrides Palimpsest. (Edinburgh, Scotland, 1677).

Following the establishment of the Man in the Iron Mask’s identity by use of the correspondence and shopping lists of his jailor, Saint Mars, the Margrave embarked on a reanalysis of one his cartographic collection’s most celebrated collection items, the Outer Hebrides Palimpsest. The connection was tenuous at best: a group of Waldensians fleeing the brutal suppression of the sect in Piedmont arrived at the remote islands at around the time the map was produced. In keeping with our founder’s original mission, the process arrived at no useful conclusions – one unfortunate effect is the damage you see here, the Margrave's effort at redacting the map."
Prof. Horst Manfrenjensenden, Ph.D.
Head of Collections, von Willebrand Trust. Dresden, December 12th, 2022.

@anaanajottajotta @consta_arouca@madparreira @jorgenesbitt

Oubliette" Exhibition at Biblioteca Camoes, Lisbon (Largo do Calhariz, 17). Show runs until the end of June.

#print #art #printmaking #etching #handmade #cartography #artgallery #oubliette

Last updated 1 year ago

Jules of Denial · @greeneyedmonster
174 followers · 3185 posts · Server

Lately when I get mad at ignorant people or people who monumentally suck at their jobs, I’ve been saying those people “should go die in a hole”. Then I remembered: that particular type of hole is called an .

It’s loads more fun to say, “Into the oubliette with him!” like a queen disposing of her most dangerous enemies in the cruelest way possible.

#oubliette #medieval

Last updated 2 years ago

Fenrir · @Fenrir
0 followers · 3 posts · Server
Deb Aoki · @debaoki
410 followers · 1376 posts · Server


Proud to FINALLY share exciting new comic series news! & on /, & on / & on MUCH MORE:


#oubliette #nightsoflono #parisianwhite #amcnp

Last updated 2 years ago