We are all increaibly proud to welcome @jsecker to the #OUFamily for her execptional contriubtion to education and culture https://infolit.org.uk/the-open-university-awards-dr-jane-secker-honorary-degree-for-exceptional-contribution-to-education-and-culture/
Introducing myself, along with all the other Twitter refugees. I'm a recent #OpenUniversity graduate (Open degree #OUFamily), having studied part time alongside work for a long time. I care about/work in #WideningParticipation #Equity #Education #Inclusion & #LifelongLearning and that's mostly what I'm here for. Hobbies including #crafts, #sewing, #gaming, #boardgames, generally nerdy stuff. I live by the sea, and am a 🦕-fan and 🪴-mom.
#openuniversity #oufamily #wideningparticipation #equity #education #inclusion #lifelonglearning #crafts #sewing #gaming #boardgames
Super proud of my Dad @Shlomo5768 who is graduating from his OU law degree today #OUfamily