Hi Geodie,

Are you able to explain? We cannot access ABC, its served via USA-Akamai-based servers.

Media = by the , yes.

Apparently Goog, MicroShaft, ScAmazon and FApple on almost every ad break, sometimes even FBook! In 2021 allowed FB and Goog to bribe — called it something like â„Ē.

People seemed to lap it up.

Can we unplug from , do you think?

#boughtandpaidfor #technoFeudalists #ads #scomomarketing #ourABC #facebookrefriendedaustralia #thematrix

Last updated 1 year ago

If 's ABC really cared about combatting nasty plutocratics, they would not be hosting their website via -based corporation .

We just pinging "" servers, abc.net.au

Their IP address:

â€Ķa quick `whois':

route: -
descr: Akamai Technologies
origin: AS20940, AS16625
mnt-by: MNT-AKAMAI
source: ARIN
changed: ip-admin@akamai.com 20201007

#australia #usa #akamai #ourABC

Last updated 1 year ago

Have you gotten to the part where they shadowban activists (as far back as , 2015), JulianAssange supporters, freedomSoftware advocates, blocked news in when an attempt to tax them. To be fair the idea was dumb, but it was the speed at which govt yeilded that said it all.

Our including were in 2021 by , yet many in power are so here, they didn't even care to protest.

#antiwar #syria #australia #linktax #legacymedia #ourABC #bribed #facebook #morallyBankrupt #blockcagemafia #blockmeta

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear 🌈♀ · @MsDropbear
189 followers · 732 posts · Server kolektiva.social


Since i belatedly discovered only a few months ago, it's become one of my routine tabs [for both reading, + the excellent podcast].

The linked article puzzles / troubles me somewhat. I've been aware for years that one of my fav broadcasters, , is routinely demonised by many ardent lovers [of which i'm one; that is, an ABC-lover, not a PK-demoniser, to clarify] for her work history prior to ABC.

The allegation is frequently made, often explicitly or otherwise implicitly, that she's just another of the right-wing Murdoch / stooges with which sadly the ABC has become infested over the past decade+. Right-wing horrors like Switzer, Vanstone, also Speers, give me the screaming rages, & terribly diminish Aunty's objective credibility [indeed, basic fscking decency!].

However, i just don't [now] see that with . When she first came to ABC, i was deeply sceptical of her, based entirely on learning of her employment history, but otherwise having no idea she even existed. For months i listened to her, watched her, read her, all with abiding negative mindset in the expectation that "any moment now she's gonna drop her guard & go full-metal ". IMO, that apprehension was never fulfilled. Gradually, initially grudgingly, i softened & came to trust her, respect her... then like her.

Nowadays i regard her as one of my faves. It did not hurt her cause with me once i [being an incredibly dimwitted cretin] very very belatedly realised she's also , but with far far greater courage & toughness than me. That's probably ridiculous of me to even mention here, but i'm just being honest in fessing that it simply ticked even more "PK boxes on my bingo card".

So, have i lost the plot? Have i lost my objectivity? Is she indeed nought but a card-carrying COALition fangirl, hellbent on assisting in the destruction of Aunty? For mine, that's a big fat *nope*, yet others seem fervently to disagree.


#theshot #abc #PatriciaKarvelas #pk #ourABC #murdoch #Liberalparty #rwnj #lesbian

Last updated 1 year ago


Maybe its the in action but lays down facts clearly and doesn't hide them, whereas "" is absolutely deranged. Packed with isolated stories, some going back years, without context, and almost trying to brainwash kids into going to to fight without any protection or understanding.

They are hoping to feed human bodies into this without telling them the are genocidal .

A man-made border, a decade-or-so old, is all that counts.

#FourthTurning #rtnews #ourABC #ukraine #AzovBattalion #nazis

Last updated 3 years ago


(See below link, the pink, section of 's front page labelled as . Whatever that means. "Lifestyle" perhaps? You'll see the link to the article titled, "The best way to $5K if you don't want to keep it in the ":

(This is -ShareAlike-Attribution Licensed. Please remove hashtags when publishing on your website.)

#stimulating #ourABC #ABCEveryday #invest #bank #creativecommons

Last updated 4 years ago

If the were serious about holding , and the accountable then 's trial would be front and center.

For example, if in was serious about they'd be producing air a nightly program that examines the issues of his trial (aka ).

Let's not kid ourselves. are with no greater a backbone than the .

We need to replace them.

#establishmentMedia #warcriminals #corruptBankers #extremelyWealthy #julianassange #ourABC #australia #journalism #primetime #torture #abcnews #corporateShills #MurdochEmpire

Last updated 5 years ago

When it comes to reporting on , in were equally pathetic.

Its clear to us that the has been taken over by the . We are sure they must be very well paid to publish , and myopic social etiquette pieces, between messaging.

Maybe they are not well paid but hope to be recruited by the . If so they need to cover more .

#julianassange #ourABC #australia #australian #NationalBroadcaster #securitystate #recipes #migrationStories #racist #antiChina #MurdochEmpire #RoyalTrash

Last updated 5 years ago