RT @KarSugrue
Thank-you most sincerely to @greenparty_ie TDs Deputies @neasa_neasa and @Costellop for taking a principled stance on #OurNMH and voting in favour of tonight’s @sinnfeinireland motion drawing attention to to the #NMHSellOut by government parties https://twitter.com/gavreilly/status/1527014227537498112
Release ‘Vatican papers’ on new NMH, former master demands https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/health/release-vatican-papers-on-new-nmh-former-master-demands-41645027.html #ourNMH
RT @ABhoysVoice
*effectively* been gifted.
Rather than just being gifted.
#OurNMH #NationalMaternityHospital #MakeNMHOurs
#Dail https://twitter.com/SeanDefoe/status/1524014146878066689
#ourNMH #NationalMaternityHospital #MakeNMHOurs #Dail
RT @AAC_West
Full contraceptive services are not currently available in St Vincent's hospital. We need full reproductive rights services in #OurNMH #NationalMaternityHospital https://twitter.com/drboylan/status/1523968393652670467
#ourNMH #NationalMaternityHospital
RT @ICCLtweet
📢Healthcare is a human right. It must be legally guaranteed.
Political assurances on the #NationalMaternityHospital are not enough.
Read our statement: https://www.iccl.ie/news/government-must-guarantee-all-healthcare-at-national-maternity-hospital/
#NationalMaternityHospital #ourNMH
It not about the Nuns @DonnellyStephen it is about Canon Law, and Catholic trusts which are set up to manage assets, and ensure ethos.
Just like the Mater Hospital.
Seriously catch yourself on.