#BillC311 is an act to amend the criminal code and make physical or emotional harm to a pregnant person an aggravating factor in sentencing. This may seem like an act to protect people, but #AbortionRights groups & some Liberal and NDP MPs see it for what it is: a slippery slope to #criminalizing #abortion . It's a #dangerous #precedent to set.
Please SIGN #petition & share widely!
#Canada #WomensRights #OurBodiesOurChoice #CanPoli #HumanRights #ProChoice #SignPetition
#billc311 #abortionrights #criminalizing #abortion #dangerous #precedent #petition #canada #womensrights #ourbodiesourchoice #canpoli #humanrights #prochoice #signpetition
@georgetakei Most abortions are by married women who already have children. Many abortions are medically necessary not to mention #ourbodiesourchoice
As usual, #rncchair #RonnaMcDaniel is wrong
It’s not a messaging issue, Republicans. It’s your abortion position. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/11/republicans-abortion-issue-messaging/
#rncchair #ronnamcdaniel #ourbodiesourchoice
#kacsmaryk should read the contraindications for aspirin. Yet, he’s an “expert” on a pill approved by the #FDA over 20 years ago.
#kacsmaryk #FDA #ourbodiesourchoice
#ReproductiveRights #advocates are seeking to make #FreeAccess to #BirthControl a #ProvincialElectionIssue while the party currently in power had no comment Monday.
“We call on all parties in #Manitoba to commit to #NoCost #contraception before the election scheduled for Oct. 3,” said Paige Mason, #Winnipeg based president of the #AbortionRights #Coalition of #Canada .
*We have far right ppl fighting against this.*
#reproductiverights #advocates #FreeAccess #birthcontrol #provincialelectionissue #manitoba #nocost #contraception #winnipeg #abortionrights #coalition #canada #WomensMonth #womensrights #ourbodiesourchoice
#AbortionRights the Green Party’s Ria Patel, a #Croydon cllr, discusses how shaky these rights are in the U.K.
#abortionrights #croydon #ourbodiesourchoice