Morning troops! Not long now till the #SupremeCourt give their ruling on #ScottishIndependence No matter what they say today, Scotland will become independent because #IndependenceisNormal it's #OurChoice and #ItsTime 🏴 ❤️ 🏴
#itstime #ourchoice #Independenceisnormal #scottishindependence #supremecourt
Today we find out the ruling of the Supreme Court ruling on Scottish Independence.
Rallies are being held from Orkney to the Scottish Borders.
When your grandkids ask sbout it, where you going to say you were on this very historic day!
#ScottishIndependence #ourchoice #Scotland
#scotland #ourchoice #scottishindependence
here's a thread of every part of the gynaecological anatomy that is named after a man, with a bit of trivia about each man. Some of the bits are very specific. Before you ask, there are no parts of the gynaecological anatomy named after women...
#blacktwitter #blackmastodon #twexit #twittermigration #women #ourbodies #ourchoice
#ourchoice #ourbodies #women #twittermigration #twexit #blackmastodon #blacktwitter
Word this is an interesting post #Twitter #TheOtherPlace #Musk #Mastodon #OurChoice
#ourchoice #mastodon #musk #theotherplace #twitter
David Frost from the right, Andy Burnham from the left. Absolutely no shortage of English politicians keen to tell Scotland what's good for us. #ourfuture #ourchoice