OK so #Caturday was yesterday but we know every day is Caturday do we not? We do. Here is Miss Isabella Tortellini gettin' her adorable on. You're welcome. #cat #cats #tortie #CatsOfMastodon #OurFurryOverlords
#ourfurryoverlords #CatsOfMastodon #tortie #cats #cat #caturday
@OldAndCranky Miss Isabella Tortellini loves me. I don’t know how I know but I know. Of course at this moment she’s “playing the cello” on my lap so, there’s that.
We are all unworthy of #OurFurryOverlords
What do you means it’s not #Caturday? Miss Isabella Tortellini knows every day is Caturday. #CatsOfMastodon #TortieCats #OurFurryOverlords
#ourfurryoverlords #TortieCats #CatsOfMastodon #caturday