"Die Welt ist etwas Gemachtes. Der Staat ist nur eine Geschichte, die wir uns erzählen."
"The Future is unwritten."
via @greygoo thx! #generalstreik #lösungen #evolution #generalstrike #occupylove #occupy #ourfuture #ourstreets #anarchyislove #allesfüralle #weltohnegeld #opensourcesociety #makeadifference
#generalstreik #losungen #evolution #generalstrike #occupylove #occupy #ourfuture #ourstreets #anarchyislove #allesfuralle #weltohnegeld #opensourcesociety #makeadifference
The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Are Breaking History and Our Future
#SupremeCourt #Conservatives #BreakingHistory #OurFuture #JohnRoberts #BrownvBoardofEducation #Politics #News
#supremecourt #conservatives #breakinghistory #ourfuture #johnroberts #brownvboardofeducation #politics #news
Ambiguous spaces for your own stories. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #graffiti #scribbles #cytwombly #childdrawing #stencil #creativity #flower #myson #mójsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #graffiti #scribbles #cytwombly #childdrawing #stencil #creativity #flower #myson #mojsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant
If done responsibly, this is a truly progressive policy, good to see: Harnessing Biotech - New Zealand National Party #nz #ourfuture #survival https://www.national.org.nz/harnessingbiotech
In New York, a city official welcoming migrants used to be one https://wapo.st/3FTy23X A beauty-filled American dream story. We are all immigrants in this world…but Manuel Castro knows it better. NYC is living up to its’ history and heritage with his leadership. Just beautiful…even with all the difficulties. Just ignore the man behind the curtain. #jesuisimmigrant #immigrant #dreamers #DACA #ourfuture
#jesuisimmigrant #immigrant #dreamers #daca #ourfuture
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#kunst #malerei #dina4 #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #childrendrawing #scribbles #graffiti #streetart #cytwombly #ourfuture #nextgeneration #fff #fridaysforfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright
#kunst #malerei #DINA4 #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #childrendrawing #scribbles #graffiti #streetart #cytwombly #ourfuture #nextgeneration #fff #fridaysforfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright
"Call for Essays: Vision for Our Future" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx5As5hU0vY Eleven people from seven countries on four continents read the instructions for this call for essays. The idea is to spark global dialogue which would encourage Russians and Ukrainians to speak out as well so that they could start to interact. Please help by spreading the word and publishing your own essay "Vision for Our Future". #OurFuture #Нашебудущее #Нашемайбутнє
#нашемайбутнє #нашебудущее #ourfuture
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #ulrikemeinhof #baadermeinhof #raf #grüneraf #klimaterroristen #skull #death #violence #mementomori #fragilitas #vanitas
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #ulrikemeinhof #baadermeinhof #RAF #gruneraf #Klimaterroristen #skull #death #violence #mementomori #fragilitas #vanitas
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #womanlaughing #blackwoman #poc #peopleofcolor #equalrights #selection #discrimination #racialprofiling #structuralracism
#contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #womanlaughing #blackwoman #poc #PeopleofColor #equalrights #selection #discrimination #racialprofiling #structuralracism
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #emblematy #dancingdeath #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #anatomy #thedisplay #revelation #watchme #innerself #transparency
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckptn #нетвойны #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #emblematy #dancingdeath #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #anatomy #thedisplay #revelation #watchme #innerself #transparency
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #banksy #graffiti #stencil #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #emblematy #dancingdeath #dancingskeleton #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #extinctionrebellion #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #banksy #graffiti #stencil #scribbles #cytwombly #childrendrawing #futuregenerations #ourfuture #civildisobidience #resistance #fightforyourright #emblematy #dancingdeath #dancingskeleton #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness
RT @UniCredit_PR@twitter.com
#OurFuture #ESG: #UniCredit is proud to have supported Berlin-based greentech @enpal_de@twitter.com in the largest residential solar debt fundraising in 🇪🇺 to date. The refinancing capital will enable the energy company to install more than 30k new solar systems, storage units, EV chargers🌻
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UniCredit_PR/status/1612460602932215809
Ok, so I just read this thread and now need to lie down and ponder.
There is a ton to chew on here, as @jimstewartson pulls together history, literature, philosophy, and more from Elon Musk's posts, family, and colleagues. This is a compelling and frankly horrifying presentation of Musk- what he has stated and where he is trying to go. Many links and screenshots to support the thread.
Twitter is small fries. What happens when/if #Oligarchs run #OurFuture?
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #lastgeneration #climatecrisis #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #pokolenia #mójsyn #mójdziadek #selfportrait #oldwhitemale #oldwhiteman #death #dancingskeleton #dansemacabre #totentanz #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #generations #ourfuture
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #lastgeneration #climatecrisis #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #pokolenia #mojsyn #mojdziadek #selfportrait #oldwhitemale #oldwhiteman #death #dancingskeleton #dansemacabre #totentanz #mementomori #vanitas #fragilitas #finiteness #generations #ourfuture
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #graffiti #streetart #childdrawing #respect #cytwombly #scribbles #lastgeneration #civildisobidience #resistance #paris #climateaction #mójsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant #hands #gestures #signs #pointerfinger
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #graffiti #streetart #childdrawing #Respect #cytwombly #scribbles #lastgeneration #civildisobidience #resistance #paris #ClimateAction #mojsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant #hands #gestures #signs #pointerfinger
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #mójsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant #myson #nextgeneration #lastgeneration #stop #stopthem #child #childdrawing #balloon #childwithballoon #victory #raisehands
#kunst #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #mojsyn #nextgeneration #ourfuture #descendant #myson #lastgeneration #stop #stopthem #child #childdrawing #balloon #childwithballoon #victory #raisehands
A future for whom? A future by whom? A future at whose cost? Is this the future we want?
Responsible innovation is more than avoiding a hypothetical AGI dystopia - it's about the people here, right now, who are benefiting or suffering from technology.
#chatgpt #dalle #peoplefirst #ourfuture
"By 2028, Millennials & Gen Z’rs will dominate U.S. elections.
This is why the GOP is pulling out all the stops to entrench Republican power. They know they don't stand a chance against a multi-racial, progressive generation of young people that will make the GOP’s backwards ideas irrelevant." - #RobertReich
#Politics #BrighterFuture #Hope #OurFuture
#robertreich #politics #brighterfuture #hope #ourfuture
RT @ruth_wishart@twitter.com
David Frost from the right, Andy Burnham from the left. Absolutely no shortage of English politicians keen to tell Scotland what's good for us. #ourfuture #ourchoice
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ruth_wishart/status/1562340105129541632
@xrbraunschweig [RT 🐦GretaThunberg]
”When your empty words are not enough, when the protests grow too loud — you respond by making the protests illegal.”
#RightToProtest #PoliceCrackdownBill https://t.co/Nres58nuFQ
[RT 🐦igorpianist]
Brillant. Schmerzhaft.
#FridaysForFuture #GretaThunberg #Grundrechte #OurFuture
#ourfuture #grundrechte #Gretathunberg #FridaysForFuture #PoliceCrackdownBill #Righttoprotest