🌐The two #OurFutureIsPublic conferences held in Amsterdam and Chile respectively saw representatives from social movements, trade unions, human rights organizations and Indigenous communities coming together to reclaim universal public services for all. https://youtu.be/ngxc_tJkcfY
The Santiago Declaration calls us to build a public future - where quality education, health & other #PublicServices are guaranteed regardless of ability to pay & w/o commercial control.
is proud to have supported this effort!
#publicservices #ourfutureispublic
@ofipublic A Future that is Public is one where neither women, nor Indigenous Peoples, nor persons with disabilities, nor the working class or migrants, nor racialised, ethnic or sexual minorities, bear an unfair and unequal burden in our societies. #OurFutureisPublic
Who owns our #PublicServices is fundamental. In a public future everything essential for living dignified lives will be out of private control, in favour of decolonial forms of collective, transparent and democratic control.
#publicservices #ourfutureispublic
RT @EPSUnions@twitter.com
A growing global movement for #OurFutureIsPublic The only way forward for climate justice, to redistribute wealth from the rich to the rest of us, for people to enjoy their human rights to care, health, education is through public services.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EPSUnions/status/1618635398443593729
RT @StopCorpAbuse
We must reclaim democratic public control of #PublicServices!
The Santiago Declaration commits to building an intersectional movement for a future where our rights are guaranteed regardless of ability to pay or profitability. #OurFutureIsPublic
#publicservices #ourfutureispublic
Auf die vielfältigen weltweiten Krisen brauchen wir kollektive Antworten. Die #SantiagoDeclaration versucht, dem Paradigma von Wachstum, Privatisierung & Kommodifizierung die Vision einer öffentlichen Zukunft entgegenzusetzen.
#santiagodeclaration #ourfutureispublic
RT @jubileescotland
Check out our latest article with our reaction to the Budget Statement: http://ow.ly/OrgO50M7nL3
#PublicServices over #PrivateProfits!
@ScottishGreens @Thesnp @scottishlabour @ScotTories @scotlibdems @povertyalliance @unisonscot #SAPPP #PPP #OurFutureIsPublic #PublicFinance
#publicfinance #ourfutureispublic #ppp #sappp #privateprofits #publicservices
🔔Final day of #OurFutureIsPublic Conference 2022!
Two thematic discussions highlight this last day: #Feministalternatives & #GenderEquality, and #Climate Justice.
🔎Full program on: http://ourfutureispublic.org
Follow & contribute to the conversation using the #OFIP22 hashtag
#ourfutureispublic #feministalternatives #genderequality #climate #ofip22
RT @Nielsjongerius
What have we learned about public services and public ownership, since thé COVID pandemic? Opening question of panel discussion moderated by our own @TNInstitute @LSteinfort at #OurFutureIsPublic #OFIP22
RT @Nielsjongerius
Opening #OurFutureIsPublic #OFIP22 conference in Chili.
Welcome by the Santiago municipality and opening speech by chair of @PSIglobalunion.
We are here to discuss the rollback of privatisation, to end unjust extractivism and to organise a just transition in the climate crisis. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1597571857615814656