Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
80 followers · 61 posts · Server mastodon.au

🔍💰 Big Fossil Fuel Donations & Dark Money in Aussie Politics. $62.2m undisclosed! Yet the majority of Aussie voters continue electing them in regardless! 😱💔

Major parties have received massive donations from fossil fuel giants, raising concerns about their commitment to the environment. And let's not forget the $62.2m in undisclosed dark money flowing between them! It's time for transparency and accountability!

🔔 Join the movement! Share this post to spread awareness about the significant fossil fuel donations and the undisclosed dark money permeating Australian politics. Together, let's demand openness, integrity, and a commitment to a sustainable future for our beautiful country! 🌏💚


Our policy:

#cleanpoliticsnow #transparencymatters #climateaction #ourfutureourchoice #breakthesilence #ethicalgovernance #auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion #climateemergency

Last updated 1 year ago