@flockofnazguls The President’s Analyst (good longish read on Trailers From Hell) https://trailersfromhell.com/the-presidents-analyst/ #JamesCoburn #OurManFlint #InLikeFlint #ThePresidentsAnalyst
#jamescoburn #ourmanflint #inlikeflint #thepresidentsanalyst
#cultshelf These five guys seem like a slight downgrade of the 3 mad scientist overlords from #OurManFlint.
57 years ago:
Our Man Flint (US)
When scientists use eco-terrorism to impose their will on the world by affecting extremes in the weather, Intelligence Chief Cramden calls in top agent Derek Flint.
#OurManFlint #JamesCoburn #LeeJCobb #20thCenturyFox #SciFi #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#ourmanflint #jamescoburn #leejcobb #20thcenturyfox #scifi #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film