That being said, weekly week did produce one article that I would stack against anything theonion has done, either in its inferior #ourrevolution era, the "we must be more new Yorker than a sixth generation manhattanite" angle in the aftermath of 9/11/01 that came before, or its inaugural phase as the alternative to the daily cardinal that wasn't just ayn rand jacking, newtgingrichian agitprop (the badger herald).
RT @OurWisconsinRev
Democrats could have passed the PRO Act last Congress. Corporate politicians got in the way.
Now, despite a Republican House, @BernieSanders isn't giving up. Neither are we.
Protecting the right to organize is non-negotiable. #OurRevolution #Solidarity
Earlier this morning, while doing my weekly neighbourhood cleanup with supplies gotten from Adopt-One-Block (local 501(c)3 in Oregon, I was thinking of what the #OurRevolution deadenders & Christina Drazen voting White Power Patriots would say of me, an unabashed Hillary-head.
And now for the the party musiK!!1! Ladies and Gentleman, Brothers, Sisters and every1 inbetween and far out - from Tel Aviv, Isreal - some of ze funkiest schit uuu ever herrrd! The Apples, from their 2008 album Buzzin' About, a song titled with what you (if you aren't already) should start doin' NOW:
#feelthebern #ourrevolution #Music #Funk #Jazz #Israel #TelAviv
#feelthebern #ourrevolution #music #funk #jazz #israel #telaviv
Epilogue: But now, PARTY!
#feelthebern #ourrevolution #loveandpeace #Augustinerbier
3/3 By your political effort, by engaging with you friends, family and colleagues, by giving your kids a political education, you - WE can do anything, e.g.:
4 years from now, make #AOC win the primaries so big, even Obama can't do shit and steal it from her. Make a #greennewdeal and #medicareforall happen. Make the #Greens a force to reckon with, even in the US.
Keep fighting for #justiceforall.
Remember #Bernie's slogan? "Not me. Us."
#aoc #medicareforall #greens #justiceforall #bernie #feelthebern #ourrevolution #loveandpeace
This has only just begun.
The city of #truckfonalddump, #wallstreet, #banksters and that lady who wants to be #potus because... well, maybe just because she had to endure her husband in that role (but then again, haven't we all?) - that city, THE CITY...
...has just seen the next step of #ourrevolution.
Congratulations to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & friends!
#medicareforall #collegeforall #justiceforall
#truckfonalddump #wallstreet #banksters #potus #ourrevolution #aoc #feelthebern #greennewdeal #collegeforall #justiceforall
If numbers hold & #Biden takes TX,
#ourRevolution is probably history. Unless Sanders crushes it in CA, it’s all but over. I’m not gonna lie, that’s a big relief. I’d have preferred Warren, but I have one mission: ending Trumpism. #SuperTuesday #ms
#biden #ourrevolution #supertuesday #ms
OH SNAP! #OurRevolution slept in!
(Who saw that coming?)
#SuperTuesday Exit Poll (NBC): Voters By Age
18-29: 13%
30-44: 23%
45-64: 35%
65+: 29%
#ourrevolution #ms #supertuesday
Bernie fought the USAPATRIOT Act ⬇️
#Bernie2020 #FeelTheBern #OurRevolution #NotMeUS #JoinTheFight #AllOfUsTogether #JusticeDemocrats #PEACE
#peace #justicedemocrats #allofustogether #JoinTheFight #notmeus #ourrevolution #feelthebern #Bernie2020
My hot take before bed: The entire Democratic field, the DNC, the corporations, the Republicans, and every other force in America and beyond is trying their hardest to stop #OurRevolution. We cannot and will not let them stop us. We will keep fighting! #Bernie2020 #ITrustBernie
#itrustbernie #Bernie2020 #ourrevolution
#TrumpFearsBernie because he knows full well that Bernie's movement and the enthusiasm behind it is why polls consistently show that #BernieBeatsTrump
#OurRevolution #BernTheEstablishment
#TrumpFearsBernie #berniebeatstrump #ourrevolution #berntheestablishment
#WeTrustBernie #WeStandWithBernie #InThisTogether #Bernie2020 #UsNotMe #FeelTheBern #ForThePeople #NotForSale #NotAnyBlueWillDo #NoMiddleGround #OurRevolution #Women4Justice
Join #WomenForBernie2020 at
#womenforbernie2020 #women4justice #ourrevolution #nomiddleground #notanybluewilldo #notforsale #forthepeople #feelthebern #usnotme #Bernie2020 #inthistogether #WeStandWithBernie #wetrustbernie
RT Funny looking back, at the time I was so angry at Bernie and his supporters. Only to learn later:
F*ck her and every other corrupt corporatist shill. #ChangeIsComing #OurRevolution #HillaryIsACheat #SheStillLost #StillWithering
#stillwithering #SheStillLost #HillaryIsACheat #ourrevolution #changeiscoming
RT #Ditchmitch #CoxforKy #CoxForUS #OurRevolution
I say #DitchMitch and support 💙🇺🇸
Let's make this happen! Spread the word and if you're one of the lucky ones with 💰 to help then please put them here: ❤️🙏
#ourrevolution #CoxForUS #coxforky #ditchmitch
There is an outpouring of support from the music community lately for
Being a musician since I was 10, also a student, performer and teacher for almost 2 decades, this brings tears to my eyes...
#OurRevolution is music to my ears.
😮Blatant, intentional #regression.
.. FFS, Musk was in #PuertoRico getting solar power to a children's hospital. Knowing our Gov't. (GOP /Trump) aregleefully trying to snuff alternate, renewable, green energy.. pisses me off. But they'll use him to send payloads to the ISS, and whatever else he does for black ops. 😡 (insert loud cursing here) #WakeUp #PeopleNotParty #PlanetOverProfit #OurRevolution #DSA #DemSoc #BWHW #Progressive #GPUSA
#regression #puertorico #wakeup #peoplenotparty #planetoverprofit #ourrevolution #dsa #demsoc #bwhw #progressive #gpusa
I'm at the #ORILGov18 forum from #OurRevolution. Hoping #DanielBiss can win me back after the debacle where he ousted my Alderman from the the running mate position.
#orilgov18 #ourrevolution #danielbiss