Il 9 giugno del 2007 se ne andava Ousmane Sembène. Ateo e comunista, fu il primo regista a raccontare l'Africa con gli occhi di un africano.
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#9giugno #accaddeoggi #ousmanesembene #africa #senegal #cinema #movie #film #filmcommunity #filmscene
Black Girl (Ousmane Sembène, 1966) #BlackGirl #OusmaneSembène #film #cinema #movies #films #movie
#movie #films #Movies #cinema #Film #ousmanesembene #blackgirl
This was Ousmane Sembene's first feature - last year we discussed his second, Mandabi, which is also great (but very different to this one)
"Black Girl" is a very short film (only 60 minutes) but packs a real punch. It's one of only 2 African films on the latest BFI 100 Greatest Films list.
Our discussion of Sembene's "Mandabi" is here -
#WorldCinema #CineMastodon #Cinema #filmastodon #OusmaneSembene
#ousmanesembene #filmastodon #cinema #cinemastodon #Worldcinema
Our latest podcast discusses Ousmane Sembene's "Black Girl" ("La Noire de ...") (1966)
A young woman from Senegal arrives in France, expecting to be working as a Nanny for a white French couple - instead she finds she's actually working as a domestic servant and becomes increasingly alienated. Meanwhile the white couple are blissfully unaware of any problems and see nothing wrong with their behaviour.
#WorldCinema #CineMastodon #Cinema #filmastodon #OusmaneSembene
#ousmanesembene #filmastodon #cinema #cinemastodon #Worldcinema
Cento anni fa, il primo gennaio del 1923, nasceva Ousmane Sembène, il più grande regista africano di sempre, la voce del continente nero.
#1gennaio #1gennaio2023 #accaddeoggi #ousmanesembene #seengal #africa #cinema #movie #film #comunista #filmcommunity
#1gennaio #1gennaio2023 #accaddeoggi #ousmanesembene #seengal #africa #cinema #movie #film #comunista #filmcommunity
Senegalese film director, producer and writer Ousmane Sembène (January 1, 1923 – June 9, 2007) #OusmaneSembene #OusmaneSembène #SenegaleseFIlm #Senegal #Film #Cinema #Director #FilmDirector #Producer #FilmProducer #Screenwriter #SenegaleseFilmmaker #AfricanFilm #AfricanFilmmaker #African Director #AfricanCinema
#africancinema #african #africanfilmmaker #africanfilm #senegalesefilmmaker #screenwriter #filmproducer #producer #filmdirector #director #cinema #Film #senegal #senegalesefilm #ousmanesembene
Black Girl (1966) Ousmane Sembene:
"The original trailer in high definition of Black Girl directed by Ousmane Sembene and starring Mbissine Thérèse Diop, Anne-Marie Jelinek, Robert Fontaine and Momar Nar Sene."
#ousmanesembene #blackgirl #AfricanCinema #janusfilms