Spent today doing an icma, or interactive computer marked assignment for those not fluent in OU speak.
I am completely braindrained, but it's one more assessment down. #PsychologyStudent #OUstudent #DE200
#psychologystudent #oustudent #de200
10 days ago I was sat on the bedroom floor crying because I was so out of my depth with the assignment I had to do that I thought I was going to have to admit defeat and withdraw from the course. However, I flupping did it didn't I. 2 days before deadline day.
I still don't understand statistics though
#psychologystudent #oustudent #assignment
I've been trying to get my head round data and statistics. I have not got my head round data and statistics... but I have done a reasonable impression of someone who might have got their head round data and statistics. I think.
#psychologystudent #oustudent #statisticshell
I need to read, #EmoKitty needs fuses
We are compromising
#OUStudent #OpenUniversity #StudyingWithCats #MaineCoon
#emokitty #oustudent #openuniversity #studyingwithcats #mainecoon
With G3RKP's(sk) IC718 now back in the UK with me, time to do some serious HF once I have the coax run done... Yes i was so jetlagged i decided to sort my desk out again! Just need to get myself a IC9700 now to complete my setup. Have fun finding the spaceships in the photo lol more spaceships to come...... #hamradio #oustudent #planetarysci
#hamradio #oustudent #planetarysci
Further progress, was able to read, digest and makes notes from some uni work today. I'm quite behind this term, I did managed some tutorials (and thankfully some of those are recorded) and I have an extension for my essay. It's nice to actually understand the words again though
#OpenUniversity #OUStudent #a112
#openuniversity #oustudent #a112
Got my essay writing mojo back. #OuStudent #PsychologyStudent #DE200 #Assignment
#oustudent #psychologystudent #de200 #assignment
Weekend of #Law study on the cards. Took a part-time graduate entry route into the LLB so this is my penultimate year. It’s one of the best things I’ve studied. Torn between not wanting to finish and looking forward to progressing to Masters level.
#LifelongLearning #OpenUniversity #OUStudent #AdultLearning #AdultEducation #LawStudent
#lawstudent #adulteducation #AdultLearning #oustudent #openuniversity #LifelongLearning #law