Ist wohl Zeit, meine #Vorstellung zu überarbeiten.
Also schön:
Desillusionierte #trans-Schwuchtel. Von der Familie wegen Outsein ausgegrenzt, Freundeskreis wegen zu viel Widerstand gegen Transfeindlichkeit verloren. Von Feminist*innen ebenso gehasst wie von cis-#Schwulen für das ständige Outcallen von Ignoranz der #transmännlich en Perspektive.
So #outAndProud als #transmasc und #schwul, dass ich jedes bisschen eurer Verachtung überdeutlich wahrnehme.
Auch das, woran ihr selbst nicht GLAUBT.
#schwul #transmasc #outandproud #transmannlich #Schwulen #Trans #vorstellung
Check out my podcast, LGBTIQA Folks Surviving In Kakuma Refugee Camp , on Spotify for Podcasters:
#Pride #LGBTQ #LoveIsLove #HumanRights #Equality #RainbowCommunity #TransRightsAreHumanRights #WeAreFamily #StandUpForEquality #outandproud
#pride #lgbtq #loveislove #humanrights #equality #rainbowcommunity #TransRightsAreHumanRights #wearefamily #standupforequality #outandproud
@caragraph thank you. The fear was a huge clump in my heart and soul. It was debilitating in so many ways. It’s been very liberating to finally let go of that and really fully accept and embrace myself and all of who I am. #lgbtqia #outandproud #pride23
#lgbtqia #outandproud #pride23
Coming out trans was exciting, scary, and in several cases dangerous. But once I did, there was no going back. Are you planning on coming out LGBTQ in 2023 to your family or friends? #comingout #lgbt #outandproud
I just watched S1E1 of “LA: A Queer History” on KQED. It is infuriating to see historical footage and hear stories of the often violent abuses that were perpetrated by the justice system of that era.
But, it also makes me very grateful for the early scrappers and legal eagles who found ways to penetrate the corrupt system and started successfully defending some of these entrapped individuals.
Flying my queer flag today!
#laaqueerhistory #outandproud #gayhistory
As one of the 2022-23 Midsumma Pathways Program recipients, we zoom monthly and discuss the highs and lows of being an artist living with a disability, chat about our projects, ask questions, and occasionally have industry experts give us insight. On Thursday we were privileged to have ArtsAccess CEO Caroline Bowditch speak to us about creating work and receiving feedback on our terms. It was a great session. I really hope to meet her one day.
#IDPwD #IDPWD2022 #InternationalDayOfPeopleWithDisability #disability #DisabilityArtist #disabled #DisabledArtist #InvisibleDisabilities #lgbtqia #pride #HumanBeing #MastoArt #ArtsAccess #ClaireBowditch #OutAndProud #Midsumma #MidsummaPathways2022 #melbourne #AustralianArts #australia
#clairebowditch #IDPWD #idpwd2022 #internationaldayofpeoplewithdisability #disability #disabilityartist #disabled #DisabledArtist #invisibledisabilities #lgbtqia #pride #humanbeing #mastoart #artsaccess #outandproud #midsumma #midsummapathways2022 #melbourne #australianarts #australia
Da der Fußball sich gerade in Qatar selbstzerstört: Nächstes Jahr ist Rugby-WM in Frankreich und viele Spieler:innen sind #outandproud!
🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈Endlich gibt es Vorbilder auch im #Basketball. Nun wäre es an der Zeit für einen aktiven Profifußballer, sich zu outen. #LGBTQi #outandproud 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
#basketball #lgbtqi #outandproud
Ok, das auch noch schnell erledigen, bevor dieser wichtige Tag vorbei ist #lesbianvisibilityday #outandproud
#outandproud #lesbianvisibilityday